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View Full Version : Pascal Game Development Community Engine Announcement

24-04-2014, 02:29 PM
Hi everyone,

If you've visited over the last couple of days you will have noticed the thread containing lots of comments about competitions and the idea of producing a game engine.

The general consensus seems to be that quite a few people would like to enter competitions (both here and elsewhere, such as Ludum Dare) but that they feel somewhat limited by the lack of a ready made engine for Pascal. Sure there are quite a few graphics engines out there which handle some things, but if you look at Unity for example, the entire product is there.

So reality check time... could we produce something like Unity for Pascal? In theory I believe the answer is yes, but that isn't necessarily what this project is going to aim to achieve... at least not in the beginning. A number of people, myself included, would like the chance to participate in a community project such as this where they can learn from more experienced individuals (such as some of the people in this community) who have the knowledge and skills we'd like to acquire.

This is going to be a community project, built by the community, for the community. It will undoubtedly take time, but if we can get say 10 of us working on it... well... we should be able to achieve some good results in a time frame that is not entirely outrageous.

I'm going to stipulate a few requirements up front.

We should support Delphi and FreePascal
We should support Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android and Linux
We should use OpenGL (I think that goes without saying based on platform support requirements)

I want the engine to be well documented (not just programmers API documentation), but real user documentation so that other people can actually use it.

So how about it?

If you've got ideas for features, things it should do, then there is the 'Features' forum. Post them there. One feature per thread. If you want to work on the project, then there is a 'Sign me up' thread in the 'General Discussions' forum, head on over and reply to it, but please think about this carefully. Working on a project such as this requires commitment, and please bear in mind that projects of this kind do have rules to follow. If you're not normally the rule following kind then you need to think... follow the rules and be involved or sit on the sidelines.

Don't rush to sign-up immediately. Over the course of the next few days I'll be posting some guidelines etc. in the 'Rules and Policies'. And to be clear, these are the opening gambit, they are not the final draft!