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View Full Version : Game Directory - Entry Submission

25-04-2014, 01:01 PM
Welcome to the Pascal Game Directory

Sure, there are lots of threads in the 'Your Projects' section of the boards and some in the news articles, but who's going to wade through all of that trying to find your game? Putting them all in one place like this will make it easier for people to see just what's possible and should hopefully increase the exposure your game gets.

So how do you get a game in here?

That's easy, create a new thread. The title should be of the format '<Your Company/Your Name> - <Your Games Title>'. Provide some details about the game along with some promotional media (screenshots, videos etc.). Provide links to your website, or the download.

What happens next?

A member of staff will review the submission and if all is well, it will be added. If there are any problems with the submission you'll be advised by the member of staff who reviewed it. Once the issues are fixed, it will be reviewed again.

Then what?

Then... users can post reviews, use the thread rating system to rate your game and they are all available in one place allowing easy access.

As a side note, I am currently waiting for some faults to be fixed with a plug-in I've purchased for the site that allows us to add customer fields to threads. Once these are fixed, I'll be adding some fields to this forum to allow you to specify the licence (freeware, commercial), price, style etc. so that users can quickly search the directory for all the freeware adventure games for example.