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View Full Version : WebCamServer

26-05-2014, 06:45 PM
Hi folks
i want to share my project project for android made with delphi and feepascal
SpyMyCam is an application that connected to our pc and watch the webcam.
SpyMyCam connects to the server and can be configured in the mobile or pc ,
the server is open source and can be downloaded on my github (https://github.com/akadjoker/WebCamServerUDP)
so this way, anyone can modify or download the executable from my google driver.
You should keep in mind the risk of downloading binary files from the web.



26-05-2014, 09:26 PM
does this require phone screen being on while recording?

28-05-2014, 07:01 AM
dj_sharp , I do not understand your question.

28-05-2014, 03:03 PM
djoker: I think he means that some phones turn off the camera/wifi and other such features to save power when the screen is turned off. I think he asked if this app inhibits that behaviour and works regardless :)

29-05-2014, 07:04 PM
no no no , the camera is from the PC .