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View Full Version : oxNewton GLScene Physics Beta release...

22-09-2006, 09:16 AM
Take from http://glscene.sourceforge.net/...

Physics in 3D applications is the next hot thing in the industry. There is no better time than now to get your feet wet with physics simulations because Dave Gravel has just released the beta version of his oxNewton library. This exiting library fully integrates with GLScene thus making physics simulation very easy indeed. OxNewton is based on the free to use Newton Dynamics (http://www.newtondynamics.com/) library and provides physics functionality using the familiar VCL based Delphi way. Head on over and try this excellent GLScene library extension on Dave's web-site (http://www.dave.serveusers.com/oxNewton.html).

22-09-2006, 09:29 AM
for the sake of humanity.. can't he distribute demos the normal way? i don't want to install and uninstall each demo separately just to test it...

edit: and he doesn't even ship a copy of newton dll with demos!

edit: and he wraps the library around yet another dll?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

edit: and he copies the newton dll into system folder, it isn't supposed to be there, it will cause massive confusion when newton dll gets updated, since it usually breaks backwards compatibility by adding parameters to functions...

edit: and the demos run in fullscreen, changing resolution regardless your choosing.

22-09-2006, 06:05 PM
OxNewton is based on the opensource Newton Dynamics library

newton isnt opensource either

Dave Gravel
22-09-2006, 09:53 PM
Yes the installation is not very good.
I work to fix this method and to remove all of this exe installation.
Sorry about it.

Edited: All current download files is now updated, go in peace.

22-09-2006, 10:24 PM
Hi guys, I wrote the news item on the glscene site making the mistake of writing that Newton is Opensource. This statement was incorrect. Newton Dynamics is not open source but free to use. I appologise for this mistake and I have rectified the news item. I hope I have not offended anyone.

23-09-2006, 08:34 PM
This news item has also been updated.

24-09-2006, 07:05 PM
just a quick warning to anyone trying demos: be careful to choose right screen refresh rate and color depth! there are some absurd values in there, like 2 bit and 100hz refresh rates, seems that demos also ignore the fullscreen checkbox and always run in fullscreen.

Dave Gravel
25-09-2006, 01:21 AM
Do you know what is the word BETA ?
And if your no happy you close it you delete it and you continue your way.
I not forcing people to try.
If your not able to choice the right setting don't use a computer but use a xbox.
About fullscreen yes it stay full but windowed, again i say it is only BETA.
Say me where is the problem to run in full screen anyway ?
I have seen some of your demos and it is not realy better (:
I start to think you need some sleep time!!!

Normaly I like all comment from other but you start to come a little bit so heavy for what your able to do your self.

25-09-2006, 01:30 AM
just a quick warning to anyone trying demos: be careful to choose right screen refresh rate and color depth! there are some absurd values in there, like 2 bit and 100hz refresh rates, seems that demos also ignore the fullscreen checkbox and always run in fullscreen.

Delfi, can you try to be a bit more civilised in your comments about Dave's oxnewton library? You are dumping on a guy who is committed to build a useful link between Delphi/GLSCene and Newton and pretty much spends every awake minute working on his library. You are talking about people here. I don't think the abrasive remarks you posted are warranted.

25-09-2006, 06:44 AM
[quote="dinther"]Delfi, can you try to be a bit more civilised in your comments about Dave's oxnewton library? You are dumping on a guy who is committed to build a useful ]

i was just pointing out a minor problem in the demos, not the library itself.

Dave Gravel
25-09-2006, 07:02 AM
I have nothing against you but I think people is able to see it by self, you not realy need to do tester for all.
I have out this screen menu the last day I have out the component because some people have request to have a fullscreen to see speed difference. The first time I have out demos it is running on little size.
Sure the menu is not very nice but it is just the start I can't have the hand on all stuff i'm only one programmer on this component and I do it only to pass my times.

> i was just pointing out a minor problem in the demos, not the library itself.

Edited: I think if it is the real intention, it is better to pointing it to me by e-mail or directly on my site no ?

Good continuation on your project, and peace!