View Full Version : Point & Click Development Kit Version 3.0

01-06-2015, 10:07 PM
Hi, my name is Ben Maas. I would like to introduce my Adventure Creationsoftware and Engine called Point & Click DK which was released today in a totally new version 3.0 (version 1 was released in 2004)

PaC-Dk was done with Delphi, Asphyre Sphinx 4.0 and Bass 2.x.

Here are the features of this engine :

Features :
Supported files :

- Images : JPG, GIF and PNG
- Audio : MP3, WAV, OGG
- Video : MP4, WMV, AVI
- Music : XM, MOD, MO3, IT

Resolutions :

- 320x200, 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1440x1080 (4:3)
- 420x200, 420x240, 840x480, 1050x600, 1344x768, 1890x1080 (16:9)

Interfaces :

- Support for all kinds of user interfaces.
- Script language with an autocomplete and a help feature.
- Realtime debugging by changing scripts in runtime and an in-game console.
- Easy ex- and import of contents from and to other projects.
- Creates standalone games that do not need the PaC-DK tool to run.
- Language tools for comfortable translations of your game (Up to 10 Languages).
- Syntax checks for scripts

Extras :

- Lots of special effects like underwater, slowmotion, motionblur and more.
- Mirror effects for characters.
- Particlesystem for rain, snow or fog.
- DSP Soundeffects for reverb, echo and more.

You can find the software, tutorials, examples and all games done with this engine on the webseite :


02-06-2015, 05:49 AM
Wow! That looks prett yimpresive.

Which scripting language does it support?

02-06-2015, 08:35 AM
something I put together by myself , quite simple but it works. Looks like this :

(*Hier Koch prootchereien rein und etwas meckern*)
randomnum (kochaktion ; 5)
randomnum (kochwarten ; 8)
setnum (kochwarten ; +2)

if_num (kochaktion ; 1)
setchar (koch ; hacken)
if_num (kochaktion ; 2)
setchar (koch ; olala)
if_num (kochaktion ; 3)
setchar (koch ; würzen)
if_num (kochaktion ; >3)
setchar (koch ; prootchen ; prootchen; prootchen)
playsound (timm_prootched ; [vol_sound])

wait ([kochwarten])

setnum (px ; [mousex])
setnum (px ; [px] - [ox])

ifnot_num (pilzx2 ; 1)
if_num (px ; <33)
ifnot_num (pilzx1 ; 1)
setnum (doslide ; 55)
setobj (zeigefinger ;3)
if_num (px ; >32)
ifnot_num (pilzx1 ; 2)
setnum (doslide ; 99)
setobj (zeigefinger ;6)

on (mouse)
showinfo (DJ Marxloh ; false)

on (click)
walkto (self ; 27 ; 16 ; 4)
walkto ([other] ; 15 ;18 ; 2)

on (look)
speech (tigger ; Der DJ welcher diese "Party" am laufen hält. ; tigger_dj_look)
speech (neger ; Kann gar nicht verstehen wieso Frauen immer auf die DJs abfahren. ; neger_dj_look)

on (talk)
stopfunction (djmarx)
lookto (DJMarxloh ; 3)
textscene (djtalk)

When i first started with this it just had the simpliest commands. With time i added more and more functions to it so today this is not what you would expect of a traditional scripting language.
You can take a look at the manual if you like :
