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View Full Version : Rewipeout - The physics tweaking side-project of Supraleiter

01-07-2015, 11:17 PM
Supraleiter has a side-project called Rewipeout which can load WipeOut 1 and 2097/XL asset data, where we (the Supraleiter team) can tweak the Supraleiter physics against the original WipeOut 1 and 2097/XL tracks. Rewipeout has a complete own codebase except the shared physics code from Supraleiter. And Rewipeout will be opensourced later (as base for a sort of "ScummVM" for the first two WipeOut titles), when Supraleiter is released.

Like Supraleiter, it's implemented fully in Object Pascal (compilable with Delphi at version 7 and up and FreePascal at version 2.6.2 and up). It has currently 74505 code lines. All of Rewipeout is own 100% native Object Pascal code, only with one exception, that the framework uses SDL2 as OS-API-abstraction layer.

The physics of Rewipeout and Supraleiter are, or better, will be a mixture of primarily the WipeOut Pulse physics and secondary of the two WipeOut PSX titles. You might ask yourself why WipEout Pulse primarily. The reason is simple, the WipeOut Pulse physics were very good described by a WipeOut developer in a game developer magazine from November 2005, so it is comparatively easy, to reimplement these physics as a start base for our own physics behaviour style.

And here finally is also a video to Rewipeout:


And for more infos to Supraleiter itself see the Supraleiter thread http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/showthread.php?32462-Supraleiter-an-anti-gravity-futuristic-racing-indie-game
