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View Full Version : [Publish Request - Done] Allegro.pas 4.4.5 release

Ñuño Martínez
04-11-2015, 10:53 AM
(I forgot to tell you. Please, add this to news!)

After almost 3 years, a new version of the Allegro.pas game library is available from its download page (http://allegro-pas.sourceforge.net/downloads.php).

This version has some API modifications, as well as a lot of improvements that makes it faster (and sometimes smaller) executables. Most important changes from version 4.4.4 below:

New functions and procedures that detects system stuff at runtime, and new units for Windows and UNIX specifics.
New BOOLEAN type that allows better integration with library.
Use of ARRAYs and VAR/OUT on parameters, that allows to reduce executable sizes and faster execution, and a side effect is reduction of HINT and WARNING lines while compilation!
Several bug fixes in demo game, al_apply_matrix_f and al_pack_fseek functions and in examples.
A lot of changes on documentation.

Also note that in near future I'll move TRUNK to BRANCHES/4.4, and BRANCHES/5.0 to TRUNK. This doesn't mean that I'll forget version 4.4: I'll update it if I find bugs or somebody sends me interesting patches or additions, but it's time to take version 5.0 seriously.


04-11-2015, 06:05 PM
Nuno you can write News article by yourself and then request moderators to publish it if you can't do it by yourself (I'm not sure about permissions regarding this).

In order to write a news article go to PGD home page. There just below advanced search and above "Community affiliations" section there is a dropdown list with a "GO" button besides it. Dropdown list defines which type of new content you want to create and "GO" button then takes you to the appropriate form.

You might also want to add some screenshots from latest demos that were made for Allegro.pas to increase the potential interest of other people for your article. First image in the article will be used as news article thumbnail. So don't use any smileys before actual images ;)

If you encounter any problems please do report them.

Ñuño Martínez
04-11-2015, 06:20 PM
Thank you SilverWarrior.

Unfortunatelly, I have not a new screen shot to show. :( Anyway, I'll re-post it.

[edit] Done. Who can publish it? => http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/content.php?410-Allegro-pas-4-4-5-released

05-11-2015, 05:52 PM
Article published.
Keep up the great work.

Ñuño Martínez
05-11-2015, 07:25 PM
Thanks. I'll try. :D