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View Full Version : Direct3D 11 Examples

05-02-2016, 10:14 AM

I decided to make few examples on how to use Direct3D 11 with FreePascal and Delphi. It can be challenging for a person new to D3D, if they are not familliar with C++ (and COM), since all of the examples are in C++ and yet I haven't found one in Delphi/Pascal.
If someone gets interested I could write some explanations for the examples and turn them in brief tutorials.

Here they are:

05-02-2016, 03:11 PM
Thank you!
This is very helpful sources.

Are the headers you are using for DX11 or DX12? I saw unit named "DX12.xx" in uses.

06-02-2016, 05:46 AM
The headers are for both DX11 and DX12, it's just the author used that unit namespace. It seems, however, that they are part of some GPL-licensed project, so I'm not very sure how much they will fit for a propriatary software.

Has anybody tried the JSB DX11 headers with FPC?

22-08-2018, 04:25 PM
Thank you for sharing!! :)