View Full Version : [Publish Request - Done] Allegro.pas 5.2.β.1 released

Ñuño Martínez
01-03-2020, 06:36 PM
(Please, publish this. If you want a smaller screenshot, just tell me)


Almost two years, but thanks to the help of this community (https://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/showthread.php?32727-UNICODESTRING-vs-ANSISTRING), Allegro.pas 5.2.β.1 is finally out.

You know, Allegro.pas allows to use the Allegro Game Library (https://liballeg.org/) with Delphi and Free Pascal compilers (including Lazarus). This new version fixes a few bugs, adds a ton of new functionality, completes the documentation and is 95% Delphi compatible (there are a few issues with two examples ::)).

You can download the demonstration game for Windows (https://sourceforge.net/projects/allegro-pas/files/5.2.b.1/furiouspaladin-5.2.b.1-bin-win32.zip/download) (should work with Wine too) or the library (http://allegro-pas.sourceforge.net/downloads.php) (here all formats (https://sourceforge.net/projects/allegro-pas/files/5.2.b.1/)). The GitHub mirror (https://github.com/niuniomartinez/allegro-pas) is still a little bit outdated, but will be synchronized ASAP (there are minor changes though).

As always, any comment is welcome.

03-03-2020, 06:04 PM
It has been published as an article right now