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View Full Version : in remembrance of Jan Horn

06-06-2022, 03:17 PM

He whose works introduced me to using OpenGL in Delphi had died in a traffic accident on this day 20 years ago.

Just when I was going to write him and thank him for his tutorials. I opened his website, intent of saying my thanks, and... I saw that news post.

He did not live to see the rise of Free Pascal to glory nor the wonders of OpenGL 2.0. He is forever back there, in the year 2002 we could never return to.

And yet, Quake2 Delphi remains, a monument to his love and dedication.

07-06-2022, 06:20 AM
It's been 20 years.. and i still feel as fresh about this as i did back then: A terrible, unexpected loss of a person that never knew i existed, and yet taught me a lot.