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View Full Version : Setting up DX GFX

13-10-2006, 05:49 AM

at Dan's forum Beta-X gave me some source how I can get the possible resolutions for my screen:

while EnumDisplaySettings(nil, x, DevMode) do begin
with Devmode do
//cmb_resolution.Items.Add(Format('%dx%d %d Colors',[dmPelsWidth, dmPelsHeight, Int64(1) shl dmBitsperPel])) ;
cmb_resolution.Items.Add(Format('%dx%d',[dmPelsWid th, dmPelsHeight]));
Inc(x) ;

So now I have read that not every graphic card supports every backbuffer. And the Depthstecils are not supported in every backbuffer?

I already have a config.exe where the User can set Fullscreen, VSnyc and the Resolution.

Now I want to add the possible(!) Backbuffer and Stencil etc.
But maybe the tool better asks the user 16/24/32 bit and then set the possible best backbuffer for what he has chosen?

How do you guys make it? Aren't there any samples?
I watched over at Clooties but did not find anything...

In the end I want some little tool where the user can set all graphic possibilities looking like a pro 3d game, most have such a tool included...

Thanks a lot,

13-10-2006, 01:22 PM
What I did for CoF and SBG was to query the graphics card on startup. Decide what the card could do, build a list, and then have a dynamic GUI that allowed the user to select their run options. Inside the config app I would select fail safe options that most any PC could use. If I found that the card didn't support a stencle buffer, then I disabled the option and didn't show it at all.

Now as for querying the graphics card, that can be an interesting endevor in itself. I've since changed everything over to SDL and no longer have any of the DirectX query code lying around (I'm sure its on some backup DVD but I have no idea witch one). Searching around should turn up some good results though.

13-10-2006, 01:33 PM
I am searching for an hour now but did not find something useful for Delphi, some interesting stuff to read though.

It should work like you descriped...

This was easy in Omega times where you just needed resolution, now with backbuffer etc it is much harder.
