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View Full Version : Yet Another Push For A Cross-Platform Delphi

03-11-2006, 01:11 AM
I received a rather interesting email a few days ago from the Cross-Kylix mailing list. It seems that Simon Kissel, the project leader of Cross-Kylix, has been in contact with someone from Borland and has actually caught someone's ear about Delphi on Linux.

Though it really doesn't look like it, there might actually be some consideration for cross-platform support somewhere in the compiler-IDE combo's future. Though I'd seriously doubt that we'd see this until either the new Dev Co. is formed and detatched from Borland for good or someone finally takes a mallet to the turtle-shaped roadmap that the 'Turbo' boys are boasting. (Isn't turbo supposed to imply some sense of speed??? :scratch:)

Have a look at Simon's recent article that seems to have sparked at least Borland's attention here: http://delphiroadmap.untergrund.net/

...and feel free to fill out this rather brief Kylix survey he created aswell. http://homepage2.nifty.com/Fujimaki/kylix_survey/

Dear CrossKylix-User,

you are receiving this mail because you have subscribed to the CrossKylix mailing list.

As you may remember, 2 weeks ago I've published this article:


It caused quite a lot of feedback and public discussions about Delphi's future. Also Borland has gotten into close contact with me discussing things, and I'm about to lay out my suggestions on the future of Linux as a cross-compile target inside Delphi to them in detail.

Meanwhile, Borland has started a public survey on Delphi's future. You can find it here:


Sadly the Survey doesn't really include much about the future of Linux support in Delphi. After lots of customers (including CrossKylix users) and Partners told them their need on this, this is rather frustrating.

Still, it's a very good survey, and it also includes a few chances to express your needs on Linux support.

Therefore I ask you to please take the 15 minutes required and fill out this survey, telling your needs to Borland.

