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View Full Version : GPU Gems 3 Call for Participation

24-11-2006, 12:05 AM
The wonderful people at nVidia are producing a third GPU Gems book due to the success of the first 2. And this time they are reaching out to those developers that want to participate by submitting a chapter themselves.

"NVIDIA is looking for innovative ideas from developers who are using GPUs in new ways to create stunning graphics and cutting-edge applications. GPU Gems 3 will present techniques and ideas that are broadly useful to GPU programmers and that can be integrated into their applications. And, it will continue the tradition of featuring chapters exploring non-graphics applications of the computational capabilities of GPU hardware."

Deadline is Monday, December 11, 2006. And... "If your proposal is accepted, you will receive additional time to complete the chapter."

More inforamtion availible at developer.nvidia.com (http://developer.nvidia.com/object/gpu-gems-3-call-for-participation.html)!