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View Full Version : Call for Postmortems!

04-12-2006, 06:18 PM
As PGD and the Pascal game development community as a whole grows. Especially the increasing commercial game projects within the Pascal world. One thing that would hugely benefit these efforts would be the ability to learn from failures.

True not many games will do all that great or even sell more than a handful of copies, but hey... why should the next guy not learn from what you may have done wrong? Or... even better what seemed to work for you at least in part.

Postmortems are like gold for developers. You learn so much from these case studies and you can actually put your ideas combined with lessons from these past experiences of other out there and do much better as a result.

So with that logic, I'd like to ask those that have completed or canceled a project recently take the extra effort and write up a postmortem for us here on PGD. We'll publish and feature it here for all to see and learn from.

It'll also provide a great outlet for your own feelings about the project. Plus you can gather ideas and feedback from others for your next big venture.

04-12-2006, 06:20 PM
Oh and just so you guys know. I'm going to be writing a postmortem for both (ok well all 3) of my commercial projects. ;) (Subject 33, Garland's Quest & Cyber-Crisis)

04-12-2006, 06:30 PM
One thing that would hugely benefit these efforts would be the ability to learn for failures.

dont you mean learn from failures? ;)

04-12-2006, 08:21 PM
oh tux... :) (fixed)

See? Thats why we need postmortems! ;)