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View Full Version : Should we add(keep) a(the) new GBA / NDS forum?

22-12-2006, 05:03 PM
Since the amount of platforms available for FPC seems to be growing quite readily now-a-days and people are going to start heavily working on GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS projects more and more, do you think that we should make a specific forum for all GBA & NDS development?

22-12-2006, 05:54 PM
Since the amount of platforms available for FPC seems to be growing quite readily now-a-days and people are going to start heavily working on GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS projects more and more, do you think that we should make a specific forum for all GBA & NDS development?

Really? :shock: :mrgreen:

Out of jokes, IMHO there are still a very few persons that are working with fpc4gba and fpc4nds (I know only a couple of guys that are working with fpc4gba). :lol:
FPC forum should be enough, maybe tagging a topic with [GBA] or [NDS].
On the other hand, a new forum for gba and nds (or even for other platforms, like GP2X) could push up people to develop not only for windows :think:

22-12-2006, 07:07 PM
On the other hand, a new forum for gba and nds (or even for other platforms, like GP2X) could push up people to develop not only for windows :think:


It would be a great place to promote console development with Pascal. We could call it 'Game Console Development' and specify the supported platforms that currently exist; GBA, NDS (and leaning towards GP2X later on)

22-12-2006, 07:31 PM
Ok so I'm a bit anxious. I've already added it. :P (and changed the poll to ask if we should keep it)

If it works out we'll keep it, if not then we'll remove and sort out the posts inside to something else appropriate.

22-12-2006, 09:12 PM
If nobody is in the room, nobody will enter it because nobody will hear him. I vote no. There are very few GBA users. There are even not enough ARM users to make an ARM forum at the Free Pascal forum site. Perhaps we can try it some time in the future, as GBA and WinCE are increasing attractiveness of it, but the ARM world is small, very small.

22-12-2006, 09:26 PM
Wow, really?

I figured you'd be on-board before I would be. :scratch:

Well to be honest, I think it will grow steadily. But since it is so small, now is a great time to collect it all in one place so that it will encourage build-up.

Now just a GBA forum or just a NDS forum would be stretching it, but encompassing all consoles portable or non sort of gives some breathing room.

The forum will mostly draw attention to it. And those that like making games will see it and get interested in whats going on, considering that they are like me when I was younger and always wanted to make a video game. :)

27-12-2006, 07:22 AM
If you make the tools easy enough to use and deploy their creations, developers will use them. Build it and they will come :), it may not happen over night though.