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View Full Version : DirectPlay8

04-01-2007, 12:52 PM

I've made a game in unDelphiX that uses DirectPlay to connect online.

The problem is that the people using NAT has to open the ports to play online (even if it's a client), and I saw that in DirectX8 they added a new module DirectPlay8 completely reprogrammed that has a new Server-Client mode in which the client doesn't need to open ports, is ready to pass NAT and firewalls (according to MS documentation).

I've been taking a look at the latest unDelphix source code, it has in the USES the new library DirectPlay8, but later doesn't implement any function, so from the component DirectPlay of unDelphiX I cannot use that new features in Directx8.

The question is.... Someone knows about any component or modification of unDelphix for using the new DirectPlay8 module?

I know that in DirectX10 they quited Directplay but they say that will exist an emulation mode, and I have my game with DirectPlay and I think convert it to DirectPlay8 will be easy, just changing some functions, parameters,.... but all the main functions remain the same, but if I have to change to other connection type the work will be hard.

The game is www.miniracingonline.com.

Thanks in advance. :roll:

06-01-2007, 05:02 PM
The best advice I can give is to use sockets....., try a component set dedicated to TCP/UDP.

Delphi Fundamentals comes to mind, however I don't know what or if it has anything available concerning routers and such.