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View Full Version : Sgrolch

04-01-2007, 05:34 PM
SGROLCH is a telnet game based on Scorched Earth, only in telnet.
The name comes from Scorched and Grolch (Great beer).

I would like to present my first SGROLCH version, it can only have two players at a time.

It's quite simple. Two players join the game and then the first player start.
He can change power with down and up arrow, and angle with left and right arraow. The angle goes from 0 degrees to 180.
Fire with Enter.

The landskape is random generated.
The position of the players are random generated.
The wind is random 0 - 50 each way for each round.

You hit the other player if you are 5 ASCII-chars away from him, and damage is higher the nearer you hit.

The game will only work on windows telnet, I think mac, linux, putty etc use vt100. Anyway I made the game for the windows telnet.

You can download the program for linux ix86 here (binary):

Here is a image:


I started making SGROLCH2 in java. (Had to train on something before an test). It took me longer time to figure out how to write a socket handler for the net.package then writing the game.
But I did never finish.
The difference between 1 and 2 was:
-max 10 users (Hard to get many more on the small map i get on telnet).
-buy weapons
-more animations (blowing up boms and stuff).
-scoreboard and menu.

I almost finished it, it was possible to play some. But I didnt have time to finish it totaly.

I have some pictures of how far i got:


Scoreboard and menu:

On the scoreboard is only one player, but everyone will show if more joins.


04-01-2007, 06:14 PM
Nice! 8)

04-01-2007, 07:52 PM
Ah the nostalgia :)

04-01-2007, 11:52 PM

Remembers me of the good old DOS days :P (Turbo Pascal)

05-01-2007, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the response :)

I forgot to tell:
If you run the linux binaery, the port for the game is 1436.
But you must have a linux computer running the server, and a windows computer to play the game :P
Wich is really stupid...

So what I've done now I just set up the game hosting on a server.

You can play the game here:
telnet diaaway.dyndns.org 1436

Notice: Only 2 players can play at the time, and both players must be logged on.
I think if people log off and on the server should not crash, though I havent tested it much. So please remember to log off so other people can try :p

I could always finish SCGROLCH2 where people can freely enter and leave games as they wish, and where many people can play at the same time. There is just one problem, i'm lazy...

EDIT: I just tested how the server would react if many people log in at the same time, and the result was that it crashed. Not totaly, just saying: "Waiting for other player.." I'm afraid I cant fix this bug cause I lost the source code :oops: (Wrote over it when I started on SGROLCH2 in fpc).