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View Full Version : PPGD Ad Campaign: Project #3

04-01-2007, 07:44 PM
Ok not having much success with the more personal commercial ideas. :?

So... Project 3: Show 'em Our Stuff!

Send me a small 15-30 second clip of your best stuff! If it's really cool and it looks great, --games, demos, graphics programs-- show it all off here.

I think this is really the point anyways, right? Give me some really awesome stuff to show prospective game programmers what they can do with Object Pascal these days. A great way to shamelessly plug your new title too. ;)

04-01-2007, 08:03 PM
Cool idea!

What popped into my head was that little flash animation of Steve the Supervillian who rips off linux...

"I have more friends now" "Just changed my love life" "I have a beowolf cluster of atomic supermen!" "robotic cyber-goats and henchmen with bad teeth!" "It's compatible with our orbiting brain lasers!"

Funny stuff.

04-01-2007, 08:13 PM
So I guess I can count on your participation in this 3rd project Mr. Pote? ;)

04-01-2007, 09:40 PM
I'll see if I cant FRAPS some of my cooler stuff :)

Where do I submit though?
And what size video?
And what codec?

04-01-2007, 09:50 PM
I'll see if I cant FRAPS some of my cooler stuff :)
Excellent! :) Obviously some of The Foundry is a must. ;)

Where do I submit though?
email it to me at raproductions@hotmail.com

And what size video?
Keep the file just under 10,000 KB though --Hotmail regs. :P If it needs to be bigger email me anyways and we'll arrange alternate means.

And what codec?
If you can compress it as raw really well with RAR that'd be great, but if that doesn't do the trick then perhaps DivX or XViD will do the trick. But I have to check what'll work nicer for editing purposes. I'm not 100% sure on the editing suite I'll be using.

I'll find that out by this weekend.

04-01-2007, 11:47 PM
By what size video, I meant what dimensions?

05-01-2007, 12:31 AM
Oh coool.

Too bad I don't have any real work to show or decent cam/vid lol.

My hair is bad too, or is it just me that thinks this >_<.

05-01-2007, 09:39 AM
Now there's an idea I can work with.

Too bad my pc is currently broken. I'm planning to get it replaced next month though, so I might be able to do a video around mid feb, early march.

I suppose putting the video online for you to download is okay too?

05-01-2007, 01:01 PM
Well... I have some fraps-stuff from SCAG (and I can make some from Uber Chess)... But I haven't any from Uber Fighter (No directx/opengl)

11-01-2007, 04:26 PM
Did this go anywhere?

I think there's alot of camera-shy people out there - like me. However I would love to contribute to spread the pascal word in a passive way. I've thought of tshirts and mugs but the cafepress store didn't get extended very much.

I would have bought a tshirt and a mug if they were there. Now I think of making it myself but there's another problem. I lack the artistic skills :cry:

11-01-2007, 05:07 PM
Well, I've compiled a video of all my recent works, but I'm still busy with sound editing and compiling it into an AVI thats less than 100mb :o

11-01-2007, 05:20 PM
Not too much, I've got 1 person's submission (good man Francesco! ;)) but they rest of the 8 that said they are interested and can help have not sent anything yet. I supposed I can chalk that up to the holiday season a bit, but mostly I believe it's either laziness or last minute shyness.

So Instead I've opted for the 3rd (planned, but only recently announced) project for people to send in their game clips.

I should expect Magic Storm, Dirk, NecroSOFT, Cerebral Bicycle Company, LifePower, and anyone from the last 2 PGD Annuals (as we have their games sitting on our server. :)) to at least participate.

I may have to contact and push people to contribute something, but it'll get done, I'm sure.

As for the store however, it's not a failed initiative... I just need to put aside more time. It's a bit short these days as my other priorities are taking it all. At least all the good time anyhow. :P I get tired like everybody else.

T-Shirt and Mugs will be the next thing you guys will see at the store. In fact I'll see if I can make some time next week to work on the templates. Besides, would you really want anything else besides an Official PGD Logo &trade; on your shirt? ;) There'll also be more Store promotion with the addition of an Event poster on the site's main page.

I'm planning a YouTube Ad for the next PGD Annual competition aswell so for all those that have a dire desire to NOT be in it, lets get this over with now shall we? :P Otherwise this will be the standard practice and you by agreeing to take part in the competition will give us automatic permission to use the provided entries and media covering them as promotional material available to us at any point in the near or distance future.

"Burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me."

11-01-2007, 05:21 PM
I was trying to compile a video of my work, into a kindof Trailer (need the guy with the deep voice for the voice-over "It was a time of chaos... a time of heroes... a time of War!, one man will decide the fate of the Earth" )

But at the moment, I'm having trouble getting the video recorded at a decent enough frame rate.. so I don't know how to solve it. I'll work something out, but for the time being, it's not really the highest priority.

As for the "Hi everyone, I'm a pascal coder.." I'm way too camera shy, too old to die young and too ugly to leave a beautiful corpse :lol:

11-01-2007, 06:26 PM
Ah don't worry Jason public executions and stoning aren't legal in North America. Well yet anyhow... :P

But I do anxiously await your video clips from your current and previous titles. :)

12-01-2007, 08:59 AM
Dont worry, I'm still busy, I've got a 5min piece of all my works going... And it's almost done...

12-01-2007, 01:27 PM
i would like to contribute but i'm noob :oops: and i don't have any work to show :/

"hello world" is sufficient :lol: ?

12-01-2007, 02:35 PM
lol I would too but I don't really have anything either *shrugs*.

Maybe if this is done again in the future I might have something :).

12-01-2007, 03:18 PM
i would like to contribute but i'm noob :oops: and i don't have any work to show :/

"hello world" is sufficient :lol: ?

Well there are the other first 2 projects... 3 seconds of fame?

The funny thing about theme is that for all those shy people... 3 seconds on video is nothing. Most people that watch it will not keep hitting replay just to watch YOUR 3 seconds of footage. :lol:

In fact they will barely notice you especially if I'm going to be adding a bunch of gaming action. You'll be forgotten about in seconds. The only person that is going to laugh at you, think you are dumb or have ill will towards you is you.