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View Full Version : Multiplexity: Nihongo Ninja

09-02-2007, 06:09 PM
A combination of Kana flash cards and Scorched earth meets RPG.

Only found out about this day before yesterday - I haven't had much time to work on the GDD (http://alia.devlog.googlepages.com/GDD-2007PGD-NihongoNinja.doc) so it still needs a lot of work on the concept but something is starting to emerge from the rubble.

Log of progress:

09-02-2007, 06:54 PM
Nice Design Doc thus far, added to the tracking thread as well.

09-02-2007, 06:56 PM
I can tell you mostly like my art eh? ;P

09-02-2007, 08:02 PM
Hey this will be a neat one to play. I've always wanted to start learning Japanese, myself.

And the fact that you are shooting for a Nintendo DS port as your primary is rather exciting too. You'll be the first one to have made a NDS game with Pascal.

Best of luck with your game! :thumbup:

Don't forget to submit your entries through the competition system!

09-02-2007, 08:31 PM
Hey this will be a neat one to play. I've always wanted to start learning Japanese, myself.

And the fact that you are shooting for a Nintendo DS port as your primary is rather exciting too. You'll be the first one to have made a NDS game with Pascal.

Best of luck with your game! :thumbup:

Don't forget to submit your entries through the competition system!

Done :)

Really? surely someone has used this (http://itaprogaming.free.fr/#FPC_4_NDS) before?

Lets just see if i haven't bitten off more than I can chew.. one way or another im going to make this game though :) its only been two days and already I have learnt a few Kanji!

Now.. to come up with a good back story. One does like a good story.... 8)

09-02-2007, 09:11 PM
It's probably the fact that I use plain old Wordpad, but I can't open the document. I'm not sure if the judges have any problems opening it, but perhaps its a good idea to supply an alternative format as well.

09-02-2007, 09:33 PM
Opens fine for me using Word. If you want to work with Word Documents and don't care for Microsoft Office, try Open Office. It's free and it's better imho. ;)

10-02-2007, 10:00 PM
Updated webby with l33t backstory goodness :)

23-04-2007, 08:06 PM
So did you guys give up? I was really hoping for a NDS entry this year.

23-04-2007, 08:58 PM
I gave up for the competition - not enough time to spend working every thing (like compiler, IDE etc) out and still make a good enough game for this comp.
Still working on the game however (I really like the concept) - I just don't have much time to spend on it.

So progress.. but slow.

23-04-2007, 09:02 PM
Well even if you want to let go of the NDS platform, thats fine. Plans always change, right? :)

But if you have something to show please do submit it anyways. I'm sure that others would be happy just to see that you are participating. I know I would! ;)

The game sounded pretty good so I hope that you will be happy to settle on a PC version to submit for the competition. Deadlines aren't meant to be the absolute way to make your game. So if you feel that you've 'botched' them, don't worry about it and just send us what you've got.

Best of luck! :thumbup: