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View Full Version : Stage 3 question

16-03-2007, 02:37 PM
I'm working on my stage 3 entry, and have run into an interesting delima. I have combat working in my game, but have striped out some of the things that make the RPG element apparent (quests and NPC interactions) temporarily, I don't know if I'll get them back in before the deadline as I need to get combat working very well to make the aspect more apparent. If I only have combat in place and maze generation in place still, is that enough along with customization of the character to display the RPG element? What are the thoughts on this?


16-03-2007, 02:53 PM
Can you character 'level up' and have upgradeable values and stats? Thats a distinct feature of RPGs.

16-03-2007, 03:41 PM
Can you character 'level up' and have upgradeable values and stats? Thats a distinct feature of RPGs.

I would say that Leveling up isn't a necessity to an RPG, but modifying stats based on combat scenarios and goal completions (IE the player completes a puzzle and thus has status points to spend on their characters abilities) are planned by the end of this version. I won't be implementing levels at all though.