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View Full Version : DirectX debugging

13-04-2007, 09:23 PM

Im able to render stuff on a AIT card, but on nVidia ist somehow a blank screen...

So I checked clooie's site and downloaded new headers, installed new version of DX, same problem...

But I was wondering how can I debug (check messages from DX) my app? I know I have to use something like DXErr9ab.dll? How can I enable that?

Need help :S

Thnx in advance :)

13-04-2007, 10:06 PM
Ok, I got it working.

I installed DX SDK, and used dxcpl.exe to catch errors :)

Anyway, I almost got the error... Something about "Stream 0 does not have required number of verticles" :(

13-04-2007, 10:14 PM
DXErr9ab is for decoding error codes you are getting from DirectX. Are you checking them?

May be easiest way actually is to download whole DirectX SDK from http://msdn.micorsoft.com/directx and install it. This way you'll get debug version of DirectX runtime installed (it behaviour is controlled by "..\Utilities\bin\x86\dxcpl.exe" applet). And later running your DirectX application will show you warnings/errors from DirectX in Output window of your Delphi IDE.

ooops, I see you've found it by yourself :D

13-04-2007, 10:15 PM
So, reason for what - you are calling DrawPrimitive or DrawIndexedPrimitive with wrong number of primitives...

13-04-2007, 10:20 PM
Yes, I sended the number of verticles instead of triangles :P , So dividing it by 3 worked for me :)

(I used DrawPrimitive)

Well, in any case I hope someone find it usefull this thread, as I feel a bit guilty when I just saw will's post on "A Quick Tutorial on Forum Useage. :)" http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/viewtopic.php?t=4334

Just kiddin' :)

14-04-2007, 12:43 AM