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View Full Version : Problem with sound buffer

14-05-2007, 07:24 PM
This may have come up before, but how do you stop a certain sound from playing?

I don't mean calling the stop method, because this will clear ALL queued sounds of that type, I mean I want to stop instance (x) of sound (y) only.

I Added the ability to have play() return an id to the sprite that instigated the sound, so later if that sprite died, then I could find that instance and stop just that one.
However, the sounds are handled in a rotating buffer inside DXSound, so my ID is not preserved.
Without rewriting the whole sound buffer / queue thing, is there another way around this?

17-05-2007, 02:26 AM
edit: i understand ya...sorry, edited because I understand what you are saying.

I dunno how you would go about doing that....probably does involve a rewrite

22-05-2007, 11:00 PM
There's not much life on here is there :)

It turned out for me to be easier to split my sfx up into small chunks and play them back to back (if needed).

I`ve changed delphix enough already to make it so I can't use Jaro's version without a lot of conversion work.

I just want to get this current game finished, then dump it for something else.