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View Full Version : New FPC/JEDI-SDL tutorials

07-06-2007, 04:57 PM
Hey just wondering if anyone has seen this site yet. If not then here ya go: http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~molski/fpsdl/

Have at 'em. It looks like he has recently (just last month) started converting all his tutorials for JEDI-SDL. For those that were looking for these before, have fun. :)

11-06-2007, 08:16 PM
The independend address is http://www.fp.sdl.de.vu though.

06-10-2007, 06:43 AM
is there anybody that would be willing to convert this tut to normal object pascal since it looks like FPC uses some diff SDL functions and actions :S im using delphi 2007 and couldnt get any of the code working propally

statements like

USES crt

if screen=nil then HALT; <-- wtf is HALT :s

and CLRSCR; ???

06-10-2007, 01:41 PM
is there anybody that would be willing to convert this tut to normal object pascal since it looks like FPC uses some diff SDL functions and actions :S im using delphi 2007 and couldnt get any of the code working propally

statements like

USES crt

if screen=nil then HALT; <-- wtf is HALT :s

and CLRSCR; ???

crt is a unit with more functions to work with the console window {not sure}

Halt is a function that tells the program to shutdown completely like the "return 0" on C++ main function;

CLRSCR is a function that clears the console window

06-10-2007, 07:35 PM
is there anybody that would be willing to convert this tut to normal object pascal since it looks like FPC uses some diff SDL functions and actions :S im using delphi 2007 and couldnt get any of the code working propally

statements like

USES crt

if screen=nil then HALT; <-- wtf is HALT :s

and CLRSCR; ???

crt is a unit with more functions to work with the console window {not sure}

Halt is a function that tells the program to shutdown completely like the "return 0" on C++ main function;

CLRSCR is a function that clears the console window

well these are the functions/actions i get errors with when following the tutorial in this thread i was thinking it might be something to do with FPC compiling maybe but im not sure does anyone not know how to fix the code?

06-10-2007, 08:00 PM
is there anybody that would be willing to convert this tut to normal object pascal since it looks like FPC uses some diff SDL functions and actions :S im using delphi 2007 and couldnt get any of the code working propally

statements like

USES crt

if screen=nil then HALT; <-- wtf is HALT :s

and CLRSCR; ???

crt is a unit with more functions to work with the console window {not sure}

Halt is a function that tells the program to shutdown completely like the "return 0" on C++ main function;

CLRSCR is a function that clears the console window

well these are the functions/actions i get errors with when following the tutorial in this thread i was thinking it might be something to do with FPC compiling maybe but im not sure does anyone not know how to fix the code?

What errors ?

06-10-2007, 09:40 PM
follow the tutorial on the pages they do not compile i dont know why :S

06-10-2007, 09:54 PM
Post the error, i can't help if i don't know what is going on...

16-10-2007, 12:06 PM
I found some syntax errors in your text example (last code block). I also noticed when I tried to compile it with free pascal that it did compile as a much smaller file than yours (29k vs 134 or something) and it seemed to get stuck when It tried to do something with the true type font but when I used yours it seemed to work fine. I would like to convert the library I have released http://dexrow.blogspot.com/2007/10/wingraph-extended.html this is what I have come up with..

PROGRAM chap5;

colour_font, colour_font2&#58;pSDL_COLOR;

screen&#58;=SDL_SETVIDEOMODE&#40;400,200,32,SDL_SWSURFACE&#41; ;

loaded_font&#58;=TTF_OPENFONT&#40;'C&#58;\WINDOWS\fonts\Ariel. ttf',40&#41;;

colour_font^.r&#58;=255; colour_font^.g&#58;=0; colour_font^.b&#58;=0;
colour_font2^.r&#58;=255; colour_font2^.g&#58;=0; colour_font2^.b&#58;=0;

fontface&#58;=TTF_RENDERTEXT_SHADED&#40;loaded_font,'HELLO WORLD!',colour_font^, colour_font2^&#41;;



16-10-2007, 06:11 PM
I found some syntax errors in your text example (last code block). I also noticed when I tried to compile it with free pascal that it did compile as a much smaller file than yours (29k vs 134 or something) and it seemed to get stuck when It tried to do something with the true type font but when I used yours it seemed to work fine. I would like to convert the library I have released http://dexrow.blogspot.com/2007/10/wingraph-extended.html this is what I have come up with..


try "arial.ttf" instead of "ariel.ttf"

16-10-2007, 10:36 PM
thanks.. mispelling the font causes the screen to flash by instead of getting stuck.. I had typed something like lkjsd.dsf at first to test the computers responce. The compiled version from the tutorial gives me an hour glass perhaps it doesn't like the amount of memory on my graphics card.