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Rodrigo Robles
12-06-2007, 02:35 AM
<center>http://upload8.postimage.org/795068/11_06_07_Multiclientenabled.jpg (http://upload8.postimage.org/795068/photo_hosting.html)</center>

The project is hosted at:


Mundo is a work-in-progress opensource 3DMMORPG written in Freepascal using OpenGL. Here are the change-log of this release:

* Added more articulations to skeleton animation.
* Redesigned the humanoid head.
* Humanoid texturization.
* Redesigned the attack animation.
* Wrote the client-server code.
* Created a font solution.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera.

Thanks for your feedback.

12-06-2007, 03:11 AM
Neat! :) I've upped this to a News item. Do tell us a bit more about the game though. Whats the story? What is the theme? What kind of world are you in? What can you do in the game? etc...

Rodrigo Robles
12-06-2007, 10:45 AM
It's work in progress, actually we can walk in a little map in a multiplayer environment. No definitions about the history yet. And the server may be down sometimes because it's a first server version and it can be a bit unstable.
But now the good news: The project is going fast, as we can see in the change-log; we are focused in the programming actually, in the next stages we will be adding monsters, quests, more maps, music and sound.
I forgot to write about the controls: arrows walk, space attack, F1-F4 changes the camera.

13-06-2007, 03:21 PM
Looks nice.... cool models and textures :)

But i have some good advice for you: use mipamapping!!!
Because now.. your ground textures look crappy when you look at them from an angle.
The big tower at the corner might also look better with mipmapping enabled.

Good luck... i hope it'll become a great game :)

Rodrigo Robles
14-06-2007, 01:08 AM
Looks nice.... cool models and textures Smile

But i have some good advice for you: use mipamapping!!!
Because now.. your ground textures look crappy when you look at them from an angle.
The big tower at the corner might also look better with mipmapping enabled.

Good luck... i hope it'll become a great game

Hehehe - Other people tell me the same thing.
So there is no doubt - I'll try to put this in the next release. Thanks for the tip :)

14-06-2007, 05:14 AM
Hi Rodrigo,

nice project. I hope you have the time/manpower to complete it. There are too many projects of this kind which are never ever completed.... sadly.

I wish you the best with this! Keep it up, finish it and be proud of yourself :)

Rodrigo Robles
16-06-2007, 01:16 AM
Hi Rodrigo,

nice project. I hope you have the time/manpower to complete it. There are too many projects of this kind which are never ever completed.... sadly.

I wish you the best with this! Keep it up, finish it and be proud of yourself :)

Thanks for your confidence. We'll continue working, game programming is a great pleasure!

Rodrigo Robles
19-07-2007, 02:57 AM
Guided by Will, I'm posting new release announcements in this thread.

The major news in this release is the total Linux compatibility and the protocol change to TCP.
Here are the change-log of this release:

* Completed Linux compatibilization - Now runs on windows and Linux.
* Rewrited protocol - now uses TCP - more stable.
* Developed Project's website (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Mundo/).
* Rewrited and simplified the code.
* MD2 3d models support.
* PPM image files support.
* New Reginaldo model (wagon).
* New Dusan models (palm, burned tree, old tree, bush fern).

Last month the team got three new members. Very good!
All Pascal developers are invited to join.

The project is hosted at:


Thanks for your feedback.

http://upload9.postimage.org/347913/15_07_07_wagon.jpg (http://upload9.postimage.org/347913/photo_hosting.html)

Rodrigo Robles
19-08-2007, 10:22 PM
Here are the change-log of this release:

* Added anisotropic filtering.
* Improved lighting.
* Support for many image formats by the Imaging Library.
* Added animation for others players.
* Added attack message in the protocol.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Please run the Linux exe in the console because it asks a name for the char.

Thanks for your feedback.
http://upload2.postimage.org/348530/16_08_07_07Release.jpg (http://upload2.postimage.org/348530/photo_hosting.html)

Rodrigo Robles
29-09-2007, 09:53 PM
Here are the change-log of this release:

* New font system.
* Transparencies partially working.
* Updated source to use the new MD2 models instead of old 3DS.
* Fixed player's lifebars.
* Colision detection.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Please run the Linux exe in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera.

Pascal developers are invited to join :)

Thanks for your feedback.
http://upload3.postimage.org/335420/mundo08.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/335420/photo_hosting.html)

Ñuño Martínez
30-09-2007, 11:33 PM

I was bored so I downloaded it. I've unzipped it and try to run the client, but it doesn't works. It ask a name, show some output, opens an small window and shuts down.

After several tries I have this output in the console:
Please type the name of your character&#58;
ImageSize = 196608
ImageType = 2
ImageSize = 49152
ImageType = 2
ImageSize = 196608
ImageType = 2
ImageSize = 393216
ImageType = 2
ImageSize = 393216
ImageType = 2
Login sucessful.
running the game...
ENTER Guillermo 724148 0.00 -950.00 180.00
ENTER William Martin 662744 0.00 -950.00 180.00
An unhandled exception occurred at $00429DA6 &#58;
EConvertError &#58; "Martin" is an invalid integer
$00429DA6 STRTOINT, line 770 of /home/mattias/freepascal/fpc/rtl/objpas/sysu
$00405C9C TCLIENT__ONRECEIVE, line 96 of UClient.pas
$0041D7EE TLCONNECTION__RECEIVEEVENT, line 776 of /home/rodrigo/mundo/trunk/
$0041E754 TLTCP__RECEIVEACTION, line 1181 of /home/rodrigo/mundo/trunk/src/c
$0041FE0D TLSELECTEVENTER__CALLACTION, line 550 of /home/rodrigo/mundo/trunk
$0041E5A2 TLTCP__CALLACTION, line 1133 of /home/rodrigo/mundo/trunk/src/comm
$004045C3 TSCENE__DRAW, line 175 of UScene.pas
$00403529 DISPLAYWINDOW, line 502 of /home/rodrigo/mundo/trunk/src/common/UG
$100050C2 ANSIPOS, line 52 of ./Imaging/Extensions/ImagingOpenGL.pas
$100048D6 ANSIPOS, line 52 of ./Imaging/Extensions/ImagingOpenGL.pas
$00402A6C TGAME__RUN, line 322 of /home/rodrigo/mundo/trunk/src/common/UGame
$004014F4 main, line 186 of mundo.pas


I don't know why it remember "William Martin" which was my first try.

I'm using Windows XP, 512Mb RAM, video is Intel but OpenGL capable.

What's wrong?

Rodrigo Robles
01-10-2007, 02:09 AM
Hahaha you found a bug! We not have tested composed charnames! :)
I made a workaround, the clients will not crash more because this, but it's not fixed yet, if you login with a composed charname, you will got a funny duplicated shadow character behind you :lol:
We should fix it in the next days, sorry for the situation.

01-10-2007, 02:51 AM
to the developer: how do you implemented this detailed runtime debug?

Ñuño Martínez
02-10-2007, 01:38 PM
I'm happy to be useful :) Now it works. Nice work.

[edit] I've tested it and looks nice. But I can't come in the tower :? But it is nice.

I hope you'll release documentation about how to launch and configure the server, how to create worlds, missions, etc.

02-10-2007, 06:49 PM
Hey why don't you guys make up a small video capture of the gameplay?

Might encourage further participation in development and testing...

02-10-2007, 07:31 PM
The game looks really good! :) I'd like to help, but I haven't got enough time. By the way, you should look for a good modeler. Those models aren't very decent. No offence...

Anyway, very good job! :)

Rodrigo Robles
06-10-2007, 12:54 PM
I'm happy to be useful :) Now it works. Nice work.

[edit] I've tested it and looks nice. But I can't come in the tower :? But it is nice.

I hope you'll release documentation about how to launch and configure the server, how to create worlds, missions, etc.

Thanks. It's really a work-in-progress, we plan hard work for the next months, there are many features missing.

Rodrigo Robles
06-10-2007, 01:02 PM
Hey why don't you guys make up a small video capture of the gameplay?

Might encourage further participation in development and testing...

Good idea, we should do it shortly.

Rodrigo Robles
06-10-2007, 01:09 PM
The game looks really good! :) I'd like to help, but I haven't got enough time. By the way, you should look for a good modeler. Those models aren't very decent. No offence...

Anyway, very good job! :)

We are always seeking for developers and modellers. We have just one (almost) active modeller and he is slowly upgrading their skills. If there are some modeller interested in work in an open source project, we would like it.

06-10-2007, 07:39 PM
very nice work :D yeah can u make a small gameplay vid would be better :D

Rodrigo Robles
19-03-2008, 03:21 AM
Here are the change-log of this release:

* Player vs Player.
* New skybox code by Dusan.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Please run the Linux exe in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera.

Pascal developers and artists are invited to join Smile

Thanks for your feedback.

Ñuño Martínez
27-03-2008, 09:24 AM
Nice to know. I hope I can test it soon.

Rodrigo Robles
24-04-2009, 03:13 AM
We have a video for this release:


Here are the change-log of this release:


* Changed to point to server.


* Removed unnecessary debugging messages.
* Changed to ask char name.


* Map code.
* Map growth.
* Cow.
* Changed map drawing to end because of the transparent models.
* Ordenation of polygon drawing to solve transparency problems.
* Drawing of player is moved to start, so he did not fit enclosed by transparencies anymore.
* Implemented ordenating the polygons on drawing to get the transparent models draw correctly.
* Free the disconnected players.
* Make rats lose focus from disconnected players.
* Re-texture castle. Not good yed, but better.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Please run the Linux exe in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera.

Pascal developers are invited to join :)

Thanks for your feedback.


Rodrigo Robles
29-05-2009, 03:35 AM
Here are the change-log of this release:

0.13.1 - 28/05/09

* Fixed to not enter chat while fighting.
* Exception handling in SendMsg function.

0.13 - 27/05/09

* New char model.
* Interaction with ground.
* Chat.
* Exception handling for client message receiving.
* Handle spllited messages.
* Fixed FacingAngle function.
* Changed collision detection to only test the near objects using the Model.Ray property - boost the FPS x 3 !
* Fixed inverted x coordinates in collision detection.
* Fixes in multiplayer.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Please run the Linux exe in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera.

Pascal developers are invited to join Smiley

Thanks for your feedback.


29-05-2009, 07:24 AM
wow... The new character model is quite an improvement. And I also like to see the ground mipmapped. Nice job. :)

The texture detail on the ground, castle and skybox is a bit low though. You might want to use high-detailed ones because things look a little blurry now.

And are you going to add different types of terrain? At the moment, it's just a textured plane. I'd love to see some hills with grass/sand/dirt etc. Maybe a walking path. ;)

Good luck!

29-05-2009, 11:47 AM
Looks great man. And a bit of meme usage... LOL! At least you've got chicken...

29-05-2009, 04:17 PM
So what are we looking at so far in Mundo for content? Storylines? Things to do in general...?

Will there be lots of NPC characters? Is there some kind of economy system incorporated yet?

Rodrigo Robles
30-05-2009, 01:05 AM
wow... The new character model is quite an improvement. And I also like to see the ground mipmapped. Nice job. :)

The texture detail on the ground, castle and skybox is a bit low though. You might want to use high-detailed ones because things look a little blurry now.

And are you going to add different types of terrain? At the moment, it's just a textured plane. I'd love to see some hills with grass/sand/dirt etc. Maybe a walking path. ;)

Good luck!

Thanks. We're planning really better graphics, but my instant focus is some missing features. For this next release we will put some effort in sound and music.
About the terrain, in this 0.13 release was implemented interaction with ground (using collision detection) so we can use now irregular terrains and interaction with buildings.

Rodrigo Robles
30-05-2009, 01:09 AM
So what are we looking at so far in Mundo for content? Storylines? Things to do in general...?

Will there be lots of NPC characters? Is there some kind of economy system incorporated yet?

There are many missing features we are planning to the next releases: sound, music, items and quests.
After addiction of the basic features, the focus will change to enlarge the world, npcs and items.

Rodrigo Robles
01-07-2009, 02:54 AM
Here are the change-log of this release:

* Charlist unit refactoring.
* Music.
* Sound.
* Fixed chat under windows.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Linux users please run it in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera.

Pascal developers are invited to join :)

Thanks for your feedback.

01-07-2009, 03:32 AM
I can see the project's progressing well. I had a quick tour of your source code and I liked your style. :) Here's a bunch of questions if I may:
1.)How many people helps you with development?
2.)Why do you use the MD2 format? You can't get neat models using this format as it has its limitations. Why wouldn't you go for skeletal animation instead? I know it's harder, but you don't have to re-invent the wheel and use ready solutions like the SMD format. Or use a file format written by my mate. I'm not sure how well it works, but you might always give it a go. It was made for GLScene, so some conversion may be required to fit it for your project, I'm afraid. Anyway, here's the code: (don't be angry with me, fig (http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=3479) ;))

I wish you luck with the project, it looks really good so far! :)

Rodrigo Robles
02-07-2009, 02:04 AM
I had a quick tour of your source code and I liked your style.

You are so gentle, my coding style is very dirty and rude.

How many people helps you with development?

Nobody nowadays. We had a developer called Dusan that helped a lot, but he make his last commit in July, 2008. We have a modeller called Reginaldo that make some models from time to time. So, pascal developers are welcome :)

Why do you use the MD2 format?

It's easy to implement, some modeling software support it, and just works. We have a prototype support for MD3, but the MD2 is working anyway.

Why wouldn't you go for skeletal animation instead? I know it's harder, but you don't have to re-invent the wheel and use ready solutions like the SMD format. Or use a file format written by my mate. I'm not sure how well it works, but you might always give it a go.

It's interesting. Have you used this format in some project?

02-07-2009, 04:55 AM
It's interesting. Have you used this format in some project?

Nope, I personally haven't. But I can try and ask the author if he could send me a demo and I'd post it here. By the way, here's a 3DSMax importer and exporter. I'm not entirely sure if it works, it might require some tuning here and there. Get it here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/pznjyl

Anyway, PM me. ;)

02-07-2009, 05:00 AM
It's interesting. Have you used this format in some project?

Nope, I personally haven't. But I can try and ask the author if he could send me a demo and I'd post it here. By the way, here's a 3DSMax importer and exporter. I'm not entirely sure if it works, it might require some tuning here and there. Get it here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/pznjyl

Anyway, PM me. ;)

Hi Brainer, what is a ".mzp" file extension? What sort of file is that?

EDIT Ok, 7Zip opened it up so it is some sort of archive...

Now I found 4 files in that archive with ".ms" extension...what do I do with those?!?

7zip doesn't know that one...

SECOND EDIT ok, the .ms files are just text files - is that some sort of custom programming language that gets interpreted or compiled?


02-07-2009, 05:04 AM
No idea, but it can be opened by WinRAR. But I put the content here (http://www.sendspace.com/file/bgnjl4) if anyone needs it. :)
Those are files used by 3DSMax - MaxScript to be precise. Read up on where to put them and you can enjoy using the scripts. :)

Rodrigo Robles
26-08-2009, 01:32 AM
Here are the change-log of this release:

* Exception handling for all server functions and procedures.
* Disconnect clients that raise server exceptions.
* mundo.pas unit review.
* Fixed first-person camera - It was too tall.
* Fixed lifebar to fixed position in the screen independent of screen resolution.
* Added monsters death log.
* Fixed exception in server exit.
* Added run feature.
* Added jump feature.
* Fixed monsters to keep minimun distance from players.
* Added chat log.
* Added author files to musics.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Linux users please run it in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera, ENTER to post chat, ALT to run and comma to jump.

Pascal developers are invited to join :)

Thanks for your feedback.


Ñuño Martínez
26-08-2009, 12:32 PM
Rodrigo: each version looks better than its previous. I'll try it this week-end (if I have time enough).

Rodrigo Robles
27-08-2009, 12:48 AM
Rodrigo: each version looks better than its previous. I'll try it this week-end (if I have time enough).

Thanks. It should run pretty smoothly under Ubuntu, it's my development environment. Just download and run.

27-08-2009, 04:53 AM
Looks nice.

My console is filled with errors

Access Violation
Error in Tclient.OnReceive message='OBJ RAT POS + some numbers'

You should concentrate on making movement much smoother and fluent. I felt I was running in tar. ;)

27-08-2009, 05:57 AM
nice work!

but I meet same problem as above :)

Rodrigo Robles
27-08-2009, 10:02 PM
Looks nice.

My console is filled with errors

Access Violation
Error in Tclient.OnReceive message='OBJ RAT POS + some numbers'

Please tell me some details so I can track the problem:

1 - What char name have you choose (I can find it into the log)
2 - What OS are you running?

You should concentrate on making movement much smoother and fluent. I felt I was running in tar. ;)

At this moment, our priority is base coding, but the animations should be improved in the future.

Thanks for the feedback.

28-08-2009, 09:34 AM
I downloaded and tested it. I have the same problem with the exceptions. In my case it seems to have something to do with a rat (?).

I get constantly messages like:

Access Violation
Error in TClient.OnReceive message='OBJ RAT POS 202383 442.00 619.00 180.00 100.00'

Character name was 'doh' and system is Windows XP Pro SP3.

Hope that helps :)

Rodrigo Robles
29-08-2009, 02:39 PM
I downloaded and tested it. I have the same problem with the exceptions. In my case it seems to have something to do with a rat (?).

I get constantly messages like:

Access Violation
Error in TClient.OnReceive message='OBJ RAT POS 202383 442.00 619.00 180.00 100.00'

Character name was 'doh' and system is Windows XP Pro SP3.

Hope that helps :)

A good bug report always help. Thanks for the report, I'll try to find what's wrong.

03-09-2009, 08:57 AM
I had the username Rahakasvi and system is also XPSP3

Rodrigo Robles
23-09-2009, 03:46 AM
Here is the change-log of this release:

* Fix server shutdown if a client shut down (no audio device).
* Change audio functions to do nothing if can't get a audio device.
* Fix coordinates to jump sound.
* Fix player to stop walking when attacking
* Do not allow running back
* Fix Access Violation in server when player die.
* Fix music to not stop playing with high load
* Implement end of message for messages client to server
* Client log (mainly to catch errors)
* Fix perspective and top cameras to not be affected by the jump
* Add smooth rotations for the monsters.
* Improve collision detection.
* Add fall sound when falling without a jump.
* Add smooth raising in irregular terrain.
* TQuakeModel.Show refactoring
* Add state (walking,jumping,running) to server char update message.
* Game.pas code Review.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Linux users please run it in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to hit, F1 to F4 to change camera, ENTER to post chat, ALT to run and comma to jump.

Pascal developers are invited to join :)

Thanks for your feedback.


Rodrigo Robles
08-05-2010, 08:49 PM
Here is the change-log of this release:


* Created README.TXT.
* Fixes in collision detection.
* Improved models animation speed syncronization.


* Bugfix - client crashes after chicken's respawn.
* Bugfix - Player locks walking if other player attack.
* Bugfix - Keys 'z' (run) and 'x' (jump) can't be used in chat mode.


* Added first NPC.
* Added first item (Cheese) by Guillem.
* Added dino (model made by Reginaldo).
* Added chicken by Guillem.
* Added monster collision detection at server side.
* Added char names over the players.
* Added angle in monster's messages from server to client.
* Added number version in client and server and make server checks at login - by Guillem.
* Improved server's exception handling.
* Fix keys and network under windows.
* Change player animation back to walk when release the alt key.
* Several code improvements by Winhein.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Linux users please run it in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to attack, F1 to F4 to change camera, ENTER to post chat, Z to run and X to jump.

Pascal developers are invited to join :)

Thanks for your feedback.


Rodrigo Robles
19-10-2010, 01:41 AM
Here is the change-log of this release:

* Merge of revisions 735-737 - Large refactoring by Winheim
* Login screen
* Eliminate scenes.pas (obsoleted by Maps)
* Create account screen
* Ranking screen
* Graphic Login Screen and graphic layout for register and ranking screens.
* Improve movement synchro between client and server.
* Fix monster colision.
* Reduce chicken speed.
* Constrain password editbox to 8 characters
* Change respawn to 2 minutes.
* Wrong password message on login screen
* Make monsters do not attack non-logged characters.
* Change map - enlarge trees and put more monsters
* Fix player death
* Put the cheese back
* Fix red screen
* Put a button to ranking screen
* Fix healing to limit to 100%.
* Reset player after death.
* Slow down attack interval of the monsters and revise it's strength.
* Put players lifebar back
* Performance review.
* Implement calls to browser in closed-source operating systems.
* Fix - other players attack dont perform.
* Fix - can't see monsters attack other players.
* Fix other players jump.
* Fix - when other player attack stops walking
* Fix logout of other players
* Fix - one player can hit the other dislogged
* Fix - other players attack repeats
* Fix - Segmentation fault when jump

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to attack, F1 to F4 to change camera, ENTER to post chat, Z to run and X to jump.

Pascal developers are invited to join

Thanks for your feedback.


20-10-2010, 04:46 AM
Project Mundo seems to have come a long way so far. Congrats for sticking with it's development. :)

20-10-2010, 07:26 AM
Yes. You seem to do a lot of hard work on this project. Keep it up! :)

One thing: You do need better textures. Almost everything is blurry and repetitive. Just try some high-res ones. Also some lighting/shadows would really make the game more vivid. ;)

21-10-2010, 12:37 AM
yep it's a great example of commitment ;)

Rodrigo Robles
25-10-2010, 12:23 AM
Project Mundo seems to have come a long way so far. Congrats for sticking with it's development. :)

Thanks. The work continues, and we should have a new release soon.

Rodrigo Robles
25-10-2010, 12:26 AM
Yes. You seem to do a lot of hard work on this project. Keep it up! :)

One thing: You do need better textures. Almost everything is blurry and repetitive. Just try some high-res ones. Also some lighting/shadows would really make the game more vivid. ;)

We should work more in graphics in the next releases. :)

Rodrigo Robles
26-03-2011, 01:25 AM
Here is the change-log of this release:

* New castle with four floors full decorated.
* Map growth 9 times, actual size 3,24 ha.
* DXF to OBJ converter, thanks to Dusan.
* Added normals table in md2.pas.
* Lighting improvement.
* Improvements in collision detection.
* Fixed scale, orientation and position in many models.
* Disabled lighting for font drawing.
* Expanded view limits to get visualization of far objects.
* Updated lifebar to correct scale.
* New camera mode cmBehind.
* Added y coordinate do ENTER message.
* New models: double_bed.md2 and castle's pictures.
* Changed algorithm of monster's set target to consider the y coordinate avoiding to target players that are in other floors.
* Fixed a bug in saving player's data.
* Fixed drawing order of transparent polygons.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to attack, F1 to F5 to change camera, ENTER to post chat, Z to run and X to jump.

Pascal developers are invited to join

Thanks for your feedback.


26-03-2011, 08:54 AM
Played around a bit. There are issues with the Intel 945G Express graphics card, in that the vertices seem messed up.


I've also noticed that the game sometimes (rarely) does not show the main window (the console window is still visible). It gets to the 'Running the game...' message. Also, the controls are awkward. Using shift would be better for running instead of Z. The lack of mouse view is very limiting. The font used is not very visible on the input fields.

Seems like a nice effort, but needs a lot more work.

Rodrigo Robles
30-03-2011, 04:02 PM
Played around a bit. There are issues with the Intel 945G Express graphics card, in that the vertices seem messed up.


I've also noticed that the game sometimes (rarely) does not show the main window (the console window is still visible). It gets to the 'Running the game...' message. Also, the controls are awkward. Using shift would be better for running instead of Z. The lack of mouse view is very limiting. The font used is not very visible on the input fields.

Seems like a nice effort, but needs a lot more work.

It doesn't works with Intel 945G, we didn't find the cause. Until today just this board have this behavior.
We consider shift better for running too. This prototype uses GLUT keyboard, that does not handle special keys well. The keyboard handling should be rewritten in the future.
A mouse camera is in our plans too.
The font is bitmapped, should be changed to true type in the future.

Thanks for the feedback.

05-04-2011, 09:40 AM
I've got the same problem with vertices, with Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family.

05-04-2011, 05:10 PM
I've got the same problem with vertices, with Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family.

My OpenGL engine also had (and maybe still has some) problems with Intel GPUs on laptops. One workaround that helps to overcome *some* problems is to disable Vertex Buffer Object.

The other good advice: upgrading your drivers helps for some problems. Go to http://downloadcenter.intel.com/ , choose "Graphics" from "Select a product family", choose "Laptop graphic controllers" from "Select a product line", and then in the box "Select a product name" you will see exactly your graphic card, "Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family".

You may also be able to get upgraded drivers from your laptop manufacturer, like HP.

Maybe this will help :)

Rodrigo Robles
31-07-2011, 02:18 PM
Here is the change-log of this release:

* Refactor player animations.
* Design and implement the death of the player.
* Looting.
* BackPack.
* Use items.
* Removal of unused units keyvaluelists.pas, maps.pas, timers.pas, serverconnections.pas, clientconnections.pas, textureppms.pas, texturetgas.pas.
* Remove unit vectors that is misused in cameras.pas.
* Unify of version constant.
* Create doc units.ods.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to attack, F1 to F5 to change camera, ENTER to post chat, Z to run and X to jump.

Pascal developers are invited to join

Thanks for your feedback.


31-07-2011, 08:17 PM
Hey nice update Rodrigo. :)

Lots of new features added. Most noticeable is the item system I see. Keep up the good work, this entry has really come a long way I'm seeing.

How much map/world is there to explore so far? As MMOs go, they seem to rely on new places to explore. I'm just curious as to how that's coming along. Do you plan on adding a new region/area every future build/release, etc?

Rodrigo Robles
01-08-2011, 04:06 PM
How much map/world is there to explore so far? As MMOs go, they seem to rely on new places to explore. I'm just curious as to how that's coming along. Do you plan on adding a new region/area every future build/release, etc?

Our current focus are keep in adding the basic features. After this we should have a massive content addition. Fortunately we are just a few features far from our 1.0 milestone.
The current map have only 3.2 ha of size and is a little playground to test the features added.

01-08-2011, 08:04 PM
Well that is great to hear. All those years of work seems like it'll be finally paying off. I'd save the 1.0 number until you do add enough content to classify it 1.0 playable though. ;) Create a small town/village and some region to explore to make it MMO-scale worthy. What's an MMO RPG that you can't have a few places to explore right?

Rodrigo Robles
13-01-2012, 02:11 AM
The main feature of this release is the quests. Say "quest" to the NPC to get a quest. When completed turn back to NPC and say 'hi' to get your reward.

Here is the change-log of this release:

* Added quests.
* Added mouse camera.
* Created a key switch to client show the fps (F12).
* Created Class diagram at doc/Class Diagram.dia.
* Created TSoundList Class and changed the game to use it.
* TBackPackForm and TLootForm refactored to inherit from TForm.
* TForm class refactored to inherit from TControl.
* Fixed dino lifebar position by the height property.
* Fixed distance of dino attack.
* Fixed backpack to not allow click in their slots when closed.
* Improved server exception handling.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux.

The controls are: arrows to walk, space to attack, click mouse and drag to rotate camera, ENTER to post chat, Z to run, X to jump, F12 to switch show FPS, ESC to exit.

Pascal developers are invited to join

Thanks for your feedback.


14-01-2012, 03:41 AM
I can't seem to get the linux version to run. I tried to compile it but that has a few problems as well. you must be using a very old fpc because the declarations are in a bad order

TImage = class(TControl)
procedure DrawBox;
procedure Draw; override;
TextureId : gluint;

images.pas(19,5) Error: Fields cannot appear after a method or property definition, start a new visibility section first

TGameObj = class
procedure setGoalX(const AValue: Real); virtual;
procedure setGoalY(const AValue: Real); virtual;
procedure setGoalZ(const AValue: Real); virtual;

Gravity: boolean;

//XMin, ZMin, XMax, ZMax: Real; //Walk Range

X, Y, Z: Real; //Current Position

function CurPos: T3DCoord;

RX, RY, RZ: Real; //Current Orientation

fGoalX, fGoalY, fGoalZ: Real; //Goal Position

GoalRX, GoalRY, GoalRZ: Real; //Goal Orientation

Id: Integer;

property GoalX: Real read FGoalX write SetGoalX;
property GoalY: Real read FGoalY write SetGoalY;
property GoalZ: Real read FGoalZ write SetGoalZ;

constructor Create; {$IFDEF SERVER}virtual;{$ENDIF}
destructor Destroy; override;

procedure Draw; virtual; abstract;

/home/carver413/Downloads/mundo021/src/common/games.pas(50,5) Error: Fields cannot appear after a method or property definition, start a new visibility section first

there are numerous errors like this all threw the code.

Rodrigo Robles
14-01-2012, 11:17 AM
I can't seem to get the linux version to run. I tried to compile it but that has a few problems as well. you must be using a very old fpc because the declarations are in a bad order

It's true, I'm using FPC 2.2.4-3, but current stable is 2.6.0 (released January 1st, I heard that Lazarus is not ready for this yet).
I will upgrade the source as soon as possible.
In the meantime, if you want to test the binary, there is a Linux client binary in src/client/mundo. The server is up.

14-01-2012, 11:45 AM
I couldn't get the binary to run. it does nothing at all. I may be missing a lib or something put I would have not Idea what.

It is possible to upgrade fpc your self if you feel up to it. I'm using Lazarus .931 and fpc 2.60. it works so much better then .930

15-01-2012, 02:23 AM
I have an idea to put something new and fresh into your game...

What might be something (semi?)unique you could try; have players able to submit their own quests and they can offer/deposit their reward and allow other players to try to solve those quests for the prizes.

So lets say Johnny wants a special sword from some cave somewhere or some other kind of rare sword that he's heard of. Well lets say Johnny has been playing for a while and has gathered a substantial sum of gold. He may or may not have the specific skills or level to make it to the area or maybe he doesn't want to do the leg work or whatever. So he goes to a place added to the game --call it the 'Quest Desk' or whatever-- and he depostis say sets up the quest and writes the description and puts about 10,000 gold into the quest he just created as a reward.

Now anyone who comes back to the Quest Desk with the sword he requested can 'Resolve' the quest by putting the sword into it and claiming the reward. You can allow anybody to go to the Quest Desk and read all the quests currently posted or if you posted one that hasn't been completed, cancel it and get your posted reward back. You can also add the possibility of other tasks such as killing a specific player or someone from a specific clan or getting wolf pelts or delivering a message, etc... It's something that I've not seen or heard of in any RPGs or MMO style games. It would make your game stand out.

15-01-2012, 07:03 AM
I think this idea of the user defined quests sounds brilliant! It does sound unique too :D

Rodrigo Robles
17-01-2012, 12:59 AM
I couldn't get the binary to run. it does nothing at all. I may be missing a lib or something put I would have not Idea what.

The dependencies are glut and openal. We will have a deb package in the future to an easy install.

Rodrigo Robles
17-01-2012, 11:28 PM
I have an idea to put something new and fresh into your game...

What might be something (semi?)unique you could try; have players able to submit their own quests and they can offer/deposit their reward and allow other players to try to solve those quests for the prizes.

So lets say Johnny wants a special sword from some cave somewhere or some other kind of rare sword that he's heard of. Well lets say Johnny has been playing for a while and has gathered a substantial sum of gold. He may or may not have the specific skills or level to make it to the area or maybe he doesn't want to do the leg work or whatever. So he goes to a place added to the game --call it the 'Quest Desk' or whatever-- and he depostis say sets up the quest and writes the description and puts about 10,000 gold into the quest he just created as a reward.

Now anyone who comes back to the Quest Desk with the sword he requested can 'Resolve' the quest by putting the sword into it and claiming the reward. You can allow anybody to go to the Quest Desk and read all the quests currently posted or if you posted one that hasn't been completed, cancel it and get your posted reward back. You can also add the possibility of other tasks such as killing a specific player or someone from a specific clan or getting wolf pelts or delivering a message, etc... It's something that I've not seen or heard of in any RPGs or MMO style games. It would make your game stand out.

Really cool idea! We need some creative features to stand out from the other MMORPGs.

18-01-2012, 02:06 AM
I'm glad you liked the idea. ;)

Coming up with all original content is a really tough thing to do for an indie, especially in the MMO scale. To give people an idea of how much it takes to "do it right" in a real commercial project take a look at Blizzard. Their company employee roster soared as soon as World of Warcraft came into the picture. It engulfed the entire company for years so that they could keep up and those folks were quite successful with their already 3 successful franchises (Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft) and earlier titles which made them a company capable of starting such a thing of that scale.

So any tricks or concepts you can use to help augment that void of developer-created content, by all means pursue!

A good example are new user-generated content games like Little Big Planet(PS3), ModNation Racers(PS3) and Minecraft(PC). All of these games primarily provide a platform and resources for the players to generate their own content and so it takes away from the workload of the developers and with it allows the player a new and exciting aspect of play which is just as interesting. :)

I'm not saying turn you whole game around into a user-generated content game, but you can certainly use ideas from that genre and make them work towards helping the players create their own in-game activities such as quests, items, mini-games, actually users generating new areas to explore, etc...

Maybe you could unleash your map editor (if it's in a "user ready" state) to the public and let them design new areas or castles, dungeons, fortresses, villages and so on as a contest? PGD would definitely help spread the word to get more people interested in it.

Anyhow just a mini-rant to maybe give you some ideas to build other ideas upon. ;)

Rodrigo Robles
14-03-2012, 05:33 PM
The source was fixed to be compatible with Lazarus 0.9.30 or higher.
Only a few changes were necessary.
The last source is at the SVN repository here: https://gamemundo.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gamemundo

Rodrigo Robles
18-01-2013, 09:08 PM
Many time has passed since the last release, so I will make a short report.
At January, 2012, I decided to make a greater effort to finish the game (i.e. reach the 1.0 milestone, the project should continue to add content and features after that). So I allocated a large amount of time-work and commissioned some artists to accelerate the content generation.
After about one year we get:

* More than 10 kinds of monsters;
* More than 10 kinds of NPCs;
* Five bosses (special powerful monsters not counting with the ordinary ones);
* Five kinds of swords and five shields;
* Map grew to 280.000 m²;
* Moved from MD2 to MD3 models. There is a great visual difference because the low precision of MD2 models.
* Added new features: Char personalization, monster map, logged char screen, full screen, money, NPC trade, chat improvement, controls improvement, monster behaviour improvement, character behaviour improvement, more quest types (talk quest, send item quest), loading screen, camera improvement, NPC waypoints, smooth transition to pop up clipped objects, and lots of little fixes and improvements.

Actually the cronogram shows more 250 hours/work to conclusion, it will spend some months ahead.

The will be no release before the 1.0, but people can get the last SVN version here: https://gamemundo.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gamemundo
The binaries are not updated in the SVN, you need to build to get the latest version.

Here is some screenshots:

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/01.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/01.png)
http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/02.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/02.png)
http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/03.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/03.png)
http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/04.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/04.png)
http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/05.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/05.png)
http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/06.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/06.png)
http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/07.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-01-12/07.png)

19-01-2013, 01:41 AM
That looks like great progress, well done :)

19-01-2013, 04:57 AM
Very nice! I see much has been done since you last posted your progress.

How many people have been playing the game and testing it so far?

Have you guys considered crowd funding?

Ñuño Martínez
20-01-2013, 11:44 AM
Great! I'll test it this evening.

Rodrigo Robles
21-01-2013, 12:55 AM
How many people have been playing the game and testing it so far?

Just a few, we are avoiding publicity since long time ago. At the time of the beta release we will make some publicity.

Have you guys considered crowd funding?

We're thinking about it, but it's not as easy. Many games reach success with Kickstart, but Kickstart can only host U.S.A projects, and we don't have U.S.A. members in the team. Particularly I am from Brazil. In Brazil we have a national version of Kickstart, but the most sucessful game in it only raised about US$ 5.000...

Ñuño Martínez
07-02-2013, 07:00 PM
I tried to play it but it says "The file "../client/data/map1.map" cannot be found.". Such file doesn't exists in that subdirectory; there is a "map.txt" instead.

Also I didn't found a lot of documentation about how to play, how to set up a server, is the server mandatory, etc.

09-02-2013, 03:03 AM
We're thinking about it, but it's not as easy. Many games reach success with Kickstart, but Kickstart can only host U.S.A projects, and we don't have U.S.A. members in the team. Particularly I am from Brazil. In Brazil we have a national version of Kickstart, but the most sucessful game in it only raised about US$ 5.000...

Don't wait for Kickstarter.com. I'm Canadian and even I cannot create a campaign alongside my stared and striped neighbors. You may want to checkout IndieGoGo.com (http://www.indiegogo.com) instead. It's almost as popular and it's also a little different. You can check out their "Flexible Funding" and "Fixed Funding" (this one is like Kickstarter) and it's all done through PayPal instead of Amazon.

Should you do a crowd-funding campaign just make sure that you get yourselves in front of a camera and talk. Or at least get a person to do so. A hastily put together 5 min or less gameplay footage video isn't enough. I've seen enough to know many ways to NOT get your game funded through one of those campaigns. ;)

Rodrigo Robles
12-02-2013, 10:17 PM
I tried to play it but it says "The file "../client/data/map1.map" cannot be found.". Such file doesn't exists in that subdirectory; there is a "map.txt" instead.

Also I didn't found a lot of documentation about how to play, how to set up a server, is the server mandatory, etc.

I suppose that you tried to run the binary in the SVN repository.
We commit that binary only at releases. To get the last version running you must compile mundo.lpi and server.lpi projects.
Setup the server is pretty easy, just run the server binary and it's up.
In the client side you should change src/client/clientconfigs.pas server variable to localhost.

Rodrigo Robles
12-02-2013, 10:29 PM
Don't wait for Kickstarter.com. I'm Canadian and even I cannot create a campaign alongside my stared and striped neighbors. You may want to checkout IndieGoGo.com (http://www.indiegogo.com) instead. It's almost as popular and it's also a little different. You can check out their "Flexible Funding" and "Fixed Funding" (this one is like Kickstarter) and it's all done through PayPal instead of Amazon.

Should you do a crowd-funding campaign just make sure that you get yourselves in front of a camera and talk. Or at least get a person to do so. A hastily put together 5 min or less gameplay footage video isn't enough. I've seen enough to know many ways to NOT get your game funded through one of those campaigns. ;)

I didn't know IndieGoGo! Surely we will think about it. Thanks for the tip Will!

Rodrigo Robles
18-10-2014, 09:22 PM
Mundo Project Open Beta is available.

The game now have a map of more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell sceneries, 17 NPCs, 21 kinds of monsters, including 7 bosses, 58 different items and 100 quests.

Remember this is a fully opensource project, both code and media is available under GPL.

The project is hosted at:


The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux.

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog since the last report:

* Improved exception handling;
* Added items (Updated total: 58 );
* Added four faces, hairs, armours and legs;
* Added monsters (Updated total: 21);
* Added Full Screen;
* Added swords (Updated total: 7);
* Added shields (Updated total: 5);
* Added MD3 models;
* Added NPCs (Updated total: 17);
* Added character personalization;
* Added city;
* Extended map to more than 1.000.000 m2, plus caves and hell;
* Added quests (Updated total : 100);
* Added camera limits;
* Added camera collision;
* Added money;
* Added loading screen;
* Added about form;
* Added trade;
* Added dynamic loading of scenery;
* Added defense feature;
* Added pushing attack;
* Added minimap;
* Castle refactoring;
* Added Level and proportional skills;
* Added light map;
* Added full soundtrack;
* Fixed mouse scroll under windows;
* Fixed air jump;
* Fixed vineyard;
* Changed pgup and pgdown to move the camera continuously.
* Fixed rat tail item;
* Removed feedback of player's collision to not push back;
* Improved camera to go back when not colliding;
* Fixed algorithm that shows the little objects before the ground (or the castle) appears;
* Added hint to use the shield when the player are hurt;
* Fixed About screen to show the background image;
* Added more messages to the server log;
* Improved server performance;
* Stretched the background of the register form to fill the screen - This repeats in large resolutions like the TV;
* Changed background of the text in the register screen to a non-texture background;
* Changed background image of the register screen to a more recente one;
* Changed some starting quests to minimum level 1;
* Fixed when a new player is created the backpack was not being created.
* Improved server performance;
* Changed dogs and cows to immortal - Changed quests accordling;
* Castle decoration redesigned to better fit abouth 13h century;
* Changed to when create a new player turn the orientation to face the castle;
* Changed help form to not show while new the player configuration is shown;
* Fixed camera collision;
* Redesigned city to get a higher architetonic coherence.
* Changed to point to the official server;
* Reduced speed of creatures;
* Fixes to remove dependencies of server from opengl.

Here is some screenshots:

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Tela%20inicial.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Tela%20inicial.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Loading.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Loading.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Captain%20Athos.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Captain%20Athos.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Cidade.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Cidade.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Cyclops.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Cyclops.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Dark%20Knight%201.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Dark%20Knight%201.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Forest.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Forest.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Lord%20Walter.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Lord%20Walter.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Trigal.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Trigal.png)

http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Vinhas.png (http://www.futurosistemas.net/Imagens/mundo/screenshots/18-10-14/Vinhas.png)

19-10-2014, 07:51 PM
Awesome mate :)


Ñuño Martínez
20-10-2014, 04:04 PM
What a coincidence. I did downloaded the Windows version this weekend, but I wasn't able to make it run. It needed a DLL that I havent.

I'll try again this week-end (if I can) again. :)

Rodrigo Robles
01-11-2014, 11:37 AM
Awesome mate :)


Thanks Paul!

We're planning to make an official launch until the end of the year.

Rodrigo Robles
01-07-2015, 02:31 AM
Mundo 1.0 was released!

It was a long way to get here. Nine years ago the 0.1 version was released.

But, like the video says, it's just the beginning!

The project is hosted at:




The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux.

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog since the last report:

* Changed to not allow cut pain animation with attack or defense;
* Created server backup procedures;
* Changed to make the player die if fall from hell platforms;
* Fixed order to draw the screen objects to ensure that ground is drawn before the rest;
* Changed camera to set from a distance of the player at initialization;
* Implemented memory release of distant objects;
* Implemented closing of loot window;
* Fixed ranking;
* Added navigation capabilities to the ranking;
* Changed to close loot window if the player gets far from it;
* Added loading screen if the loading buffer grows to a certain size;
* Accelerated loading screen;
* Raised more a little bit the maximum distance to collision with ground to avoid monsters to fly :)
* Added missing files rattail.png and lowpoly vine2.png;
* Fixed keyboard bug under windows freeglut;
* Changed to enemies run less while escaping;
* Added trade between players;
* Changed to turn off the boss music after being killed by a boss;
* Created premium account feature;
* Fixed artifacts in player's animation;
* Created a separated thread for music and sound;
* Created a separated thread for loading objects;
* Created function to hide the HUDs;
* Changed to allow player names with spaces;
* Added automatic reset of player coordinates when fall under the y coordinate limits;
* Fixed the image of the top of the hell skybox;
* Fixed incorrect display of the personalize window after the first login;
* Fixed texture mapping at staircase in the last store;
* Fixed gravity to a less real but more playable;
* Added exception handling to the drawing loop to avoid problems with the background loading.

Rodrigo Robles
08-11-2015, 06:47 PM
Mundo 1.1 was released!

In this release we have a strong performance gain, boosting FPS at some sceneries more than 100%!

The project is hosted at:



http://www.gamemundo.com/screenshots/Mundo1.1.png (http://www.gamemundo.com/screenshots/Mundo1.1.png)

The project is hosted at:


Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog since the last report:

* Several performance improvements - Average FPS raise of 100%;
* Changed skycube to a better resolution;
* Added full-screen option by default;
* Added -windowed switch;
* Added windows installer;
* Fixed in-game loading;
* Added colision detection to upward movements;
* Fixed no-animation state of Player right after login;
* Balance strength of monsters, XP, price of items;
* Large source refactoring.

08-11-2015, 10:41 PM
Nice work as always mate :)


09-11-2015, 02:47 AM
Wow it's pretty cool that your project is active after all this time!

Really neat release, keep it up! :)

Rodrigo Robles
10-01-2016, 01:20 PM
I've improved the interaction with NPCS via mouse click. The interface using keystrokes is too oldschool for young players (but was kept as well :) ).

Also I realized that the NPCs are moving a bit fast then sometimes I miss my clicks :D But they will stop a while to talk with you if you can click them ;)

Another minor fixes and improvements described below in the full log.

The project is hosted at:



http://www.gamemundo.com/screenshots/Hell.png (http://www.gamemundo.com/screenshots/Hell.png)

http://www.gamemundo.com/screenshots/Trade.png (http://www.gamemundo.com/screenshots/Trade.png)

Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog:

Added interaction with NPCs via mouse click;
Fixed bug in TGenericCreature.Create;
Fixed server trying to trade with dislogged players;
Fixed bug when die while walking;
Fixed release of openal resources;
Fixed stopping threads before exit;
Changed project file to send .ppu and .o files to ppu folder;
Refactoring and documentation of procedure DrawGameObjs.

Ñuño Martínez
11-01-2016, 12:04 PM
My computers are dead, so I only have a little notepad with Windows XP. Will Mundo work on it?

11-01-2016, 07:51 PM
Great work!

Rodrigo Robles
12-01-2016, 02:15 AM
My computers are dead, so I only have a little notepad with Windows XP. Will Mundo work on it?

It can run under windows XP, and even at a 10-year-old video board, but at least 2 Mb of RAM are needed, 4 Mb is more guaranteed.

Ñuño Martínez
14-01-2016, 12:07 PM
It can run under windows XP, and even at a 10-year-old video board, but at least 2 Mb of RAM are needed, 4 Mb is more guaranteed.

I think I have to wait until I have a better machine. :(

14-01-2016, 03:38 PM
I think I have to wait until I have a better machine. :(

How old is this notepad of yours then so that it would not be able to run the game?

Ñuño Martínez
15-01-2016, 05:12 PM
Year 2002. 2 cores at 1.6GHz, 1.9MiB RAM. It barelly is able to run Minecraft 1.0 in shortest distance without any extra. Also, my mouse left button is broken now and I should use the pad's button instead. :(

Anyway, I'll download it and see what happens.

Super Vegeta
15-01-2016, 06:17 PM
Hey, that's better than my previous computer, year 2006 single-core 1.6GHz and 1.5GiB RAM. :P

15-01-2016, 10:20 PM
Year 2002. 2 cores at 1.6GHz, 1.9MiB RAM. It barelly is able to run Minecraft 1.0 in shortest distance without any extra. Also, my mouse left button is broken now and I should use the pad's button instead. :(

Anyway, I'll download it and see what happens.

I believe you should run it pretty smoothly.

As for barely running Minecraft. Bare in mind that Minecraft is very poorly optimized. For instance I can't run Mincraft at decent frame rate on my oldest laptop computer (1.6 GHz, 512 MB RAM).
I can run vanilla Minecraft at decent frame rate on my newer laptop computer (AMD Turion 1.8 GHz two core, 4GB RAM, Windows7 64bit) but adding some mods can lower the frame rate significantly.
And in order to run Mincraft with all those moods and having good frame rate I need to do it on my newest desktop computer with 8 core AMD CPU running at 2.0 GHz with 16 GB of ram. And even on this configuration I could cause the reduced frame rate if using to many dimensional anchors which are used to prevent unloading of certain map chunks so that machines that are placed on them still operate even if I have gone far away.
So don't judge your computer capabilities based on Minecraft.

As for broken left mouse button you might be able to fix it depending on what is the cause of its problems.
Sometimes the problem is that the plastic of the mouse button simply wears out and no longer presses on the switch as it should. In such cases I used to simply put some duct tape on the plastic in order to extend it (fill up the wored part).
Other times the switch itself might wore out. In such cases it is sometimes possible to unsolder it and switch it with ones that belongs to right or middle click buttons.
And in one case I just had to disassemble the switch itself and clean its inside components with so called "contact spray" to remove oxidation.
But on the other hand buying a new mouse isn't such a big expense. Here in Slovenia you can get decent wireless mouse for about 15 EUR or a wired mouse for as low as 8 EUR cost.

Rodrigo Robles
16-01-2016, 01:27 PM
Year 2002. 2 cores at 1.6GHz, 1.9MiB RAM. It barelly is able to run Minecraft 1.0 in shortest distance without any extra. Also, my mouse left button is broken now and I should use the pad's button instead. :(

Anyway, I'll download it and see what happens.

I like the idea that software (not only games) be flexible and adapt to weaker hardware.

I was thinking about a more agressive memory manager that could automatically reduce/enlarge the distance of objects loaded and even the size of textures trying to best fit the hardware available.

Of course manual controls would be fine too.

16-01-2016, 05:05 PM
I like the idea that software (not only games) be flexible and adapt to weaker hardware.

I also like such idea myself.

I was thinking about a more agressive memory manager that could automatically reduce/enlarge the distance of objects loaded and even the size of textures trying to best fit the hardware available.

Don't forget that todays computers are multitasking machines which means that you may not have full hardware capabilities available to your application.

Rodrigo Robles
28-08-2016, 10:48 PM
Mundo 1.3 was released!

This time the major feature added is a quest button/window that show the player's quests. There are some minor improvements and fixes.

https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/gamemundo/screenshots/Captura%20de%20tela%20de%202016-08-20%2009-57-18.png (https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/gamemundo/screenshots/Captura%20de%20tela%20de%202016-08-20%2009-57-18.png)

The project is hosted at:



Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog:

* Added Quest List button/window;
* Improved Loading;
* Added Loading music;
* Added compatibility with Lazarus 1.6;
* Upgraded LNet para 0.6.2;
* Fixed to when click in register or ranking in fullscreen mode close the game so the user can see the web browser.

01-09-2016, 03:38 AM
Looking good mate :)

Ñuño Martínez
05-09-2016, 09:01 AM
It's looking better and better. Congrats. :D

I'm playing Tera last month. May be it's time to move to Mundo...

Rodrigo Robles
22-01-2017, 03:05 PM
Mundo 1.4 was released!

In this release we have a full multilanguage system. For now we have just two available languages (English and Portuguese) but to add a new translation we just need to create a new file in the languages directory (and translate more than 400 strings :D )

http://gamemundo.com:8100/screenshots/07-01-17-Multilanguage.png (http://gamemundo.com:8100/screenshots/07-01-17-Multilanguage.png)

The project is hosted at:



Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog:

* Added multilanguage feature; Available languages are english and portuguese;
* Improved collision with ground;
* Fixed bug in the quest system;

23-01-2017, 01:58 AM
I'm impressed by your dedication, good work! ;)

Ñuño Martínez
04-02-2017, 05:45 PM
I did go to the website and I've seen the "About" and the "Forum" links broken! That's not good. :( Also, why does it use port 8100 instead of the default 80 one? Also, why password limit of 10 characters?

I'm tempted to offer myself to design and build a new (simple) website...

Rodrigo Robles
26-02-2017, 12:32 PM
I did go to the website and I've seen the "About" and the "Forum" links broken! That's not good. :( Also, why does it use port 8100 instead of the default 80 one? Also, why password limit of 10 characters?

I'm tempted to offer myself to design and build a new (simple) website...

Sorry by the late response, (looks like I'm not getting e-mails from this thread)

About and Forum are really broken, I should fix this :)

Some time ago, the server was hosted at a virtual server at Godaddy. It had very good processing power, but costs US$30,00/month. I can't afford this now, due to some health problems in my family that compromise our finances. So I hosted it at home. My ISP blocks external connections to the local 80 port, so it explains the use of another port.

About the password limit, I just don't like large passwords... My default passwords are 7-8 chars length.

Super Vegeta
26-02-2017, 04:41 PM
Uh... You're not storing the passwords in plaintext, now, are you?

26-02-2017, 06:57 PM
My ISP blocks external connections to the local 80 port, so it explains the use of another port.

If I were you I would contact your ISP about lifting the blockage of port 80. You see most ISP nowadays block local 80 port by default due to security reasons because port 80 was most commonly used for botnets communications simply due the fact that most software based firewalls simply ignore all the traffic that goes through port 80.
My ISP also blocks port 80 by default but when I asked them to stop blocking it they simply sent me a new gateway along with needed password so I can now control myself which ports are blocked and which are not. Now they did warn me that with this I might be compromising security of my computer and that they could hold me responsible for potential damages caused if my computer does gets infected with some malware which then starts further spreading from my computer.
Also at the same time they told me that for merely 5€ a month they offer hosting of a smaller website with 200 MB of storage space with built in database support. That would probably be enough for hosting some smaller forum.

Rodrigo Robles
04-03-2017, 02:13 PM
Uh... You're not storing the passwords in plaintext, now, are you?

Yeah... low security. But I will raise the priority of password encryption in the to-do list.

Of course, to get into the game passwords file, the guy should first get root in my Debian box.

Rodrigo Robles
04-03-2017, 02:30 PM
If I were you I would contact your ISP about lifting the blockage of port 80. You see most ISP nowadays block local 80 port by default due to security reasons because port 80 was most commonly used for botnets communications simply due the fact that most software based firewalls simply ignore all the traffic that goes through port 80.
My ISP also blocks port 80 by default but when I asked them to stop blocking it they simply sent me a new gateway along with needed password so I can now control myself which ports are blocked and which are not. Now they did warn me that with this I might be compromising security of my computer and that they could hold me responsible for potential damages caused if my computer does gets infected with some malware which then starts further spreading from my computer.
Also at the same time they told me that for merely 5€ a month they offer hosting of a smaller website with 200 MB of storage space with built in database support. That would probably be enough for hosting some smaller forum.

This ISP is known to block this port (although we have a law that forbid this), and there are few competitors that are really bad too... Probably in the short term I will host the website somewhere but keep the game server in-house.

Ñuño Martínez
07-03-2017, 10:52 AM
About hosting, I use OVH, not too expensive, 10M hosting for free just buying the domain (no database though)... I'm happy with them.

Anyway, SourceForge includes free hosting with PHP and MySQL. Why don't you use it?

Rodrigo Robles
11-03-2017, 12:16 PM
About hosting, I use OVH, not too expensive, 10M hosting for free just buying the domain (no database though)... I'm happy with them.

Anyway, SourceForge includes free hosting with PHP and MySQL. Why don't you use it?

The server runs a freepascal binary that opens a direct TCP connection, so at least a virtual server is required to run.

Ñuño Martínez
23-03-2017, 10:23 AM
Oh, then it wouldn't be so cheap.

23-03-2017, 02:13 PM
A number of dynamic DNS services such as noip.com offer a port redirect feature for just such blocks - when setup your game can connect to the new hostname at port 80 which will in turn connect to any Host/Port that you desire.

If you've ever owned a DLink device you can get a free account with dlinkddns.com by using the serial number of your DLink device as part of the signup - not sure if they offer a port redirect but considering a dynamic DNS account with no expiration requires a subscription and considering the vast number of dlink devices out there with users that never make use of the dynamic dns service offered?

Buying a cheap Dlink router off ebay and using its serial number can be considered as a cheap one off payment for a quality DDNS service - all the better if you get a cheap router that's compatible with dd-wrt which when setup gives you a super powerful device (I use mine as a range extender) :)

25-03-2017, 04:26 AM
If you can afford $10 per month, digital ocean and linode both are good choice for virtual cloud servers. I think digital ocean even has a $5 monthly server.

Rodrigo Robles
25-03-2017, 12:44 PM
A number of dynamic DNS services such as noip.com offer a port redirect feature for just such blocks - when setup your game can connect to the new hostname at port 80 which will in turn connect to any Host/Port that you desire.

If you've ever owned a DLink device you can get a free account with dlinkddns.com by using the serial number of your DLink device as part of the signup - not sure if they offer a port redirect but considering a dynamic DNS account with no expiration requires a subscription and considering the vast number of dlink devices out there with users that never make use of the dynamic dns service offered?

Buying a cheap Dlink router off ebay and using its serial number can be considered as a cheap one off payment for a quality DDNS service - all the better if you get a cheap router that's compatible with dd-wrt which when setup gives you a super powerful device (I use mine as a range extender) :)

The tip about dynamic dns service offered by dlink is very interesting, I never heard about that.

For this specific problem, the website can be hosted cheaply. I believe I will host the website at some third-party and keep the server in-home.

Rodrigo Robles
25-03-2017, 12:46 PM
If you can afford $10 per month, digital ocean and linode both are good choice for virtual cloud servers. I think digital ocean even has a $5 monthly server.

For this price? I'm going to check this now!

Rodrigo Robles
25-03-2017, 12:54 PM
If you can afford $10 per month, digital ocean and linode both are good choice for virtual cloud servers. I think digital ocean even has a $5 monthly server.

You're right! It's really impressive!

Rodrigo Robles
01-07-2017, 02:44 PM
Mundo 1.5 was released!

This is mainly a bugfix release, fixing some annoying bugs in multiplayer interaction.

http://gamemundo.com:8100/screenshots/Mundo1.5.png (http://gamemundo.com:8100/screenshots/Mundo1.5.png)

The project is hosted at:



Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog:

* Fixed bug at login;
* Improved strenght's balance of some bosses;
* Fixes in some quests;
* Fixed bug who allowed sell the same item more than one time;
* Fixed bug that sends multiple LOAD_COMPLETED messages and cause ghost copies of the player in the spawn point;
* Fixed bug of missing equipment of other players;
* Fixed bug of repeating textures on the players;
* Fixed jump bug under multiplayer;
* Fixed behaviour of the "other players" jump;
* Fixed "animation stuck" when other player logs in;
* Fixed attack animation cut in the middle for the others players;
* Fixed mistypes in portuguese translation;
* Fixed bug that quest not close if the player have two quests to the same destiny NPC.

Rodrigo Robles
02-06-2018, 02:11 PM
Mundo 1.6 was released!

More bugfixes, and additionally we have a proper server back, thanks for the gasdeveloper tip for the cheap and nice Digital Ocean hosting.

https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/gamemundo/screenshots/Captura%20de%20tela%20de%202017-06-11%2013-08-26.png/max/max/1 (https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/gamemundo/screenshots/Captura%20de%20tela%20de%202017-06-11%2013-08-26.png/max/max/1)

The project is hosted at:



Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog:

* Fixed bug that player was not ranked right after registration;
* Fixed bug with objects popping when appears (lacking transparency);
* Reduced speed of escape of the monsters.

Rodrigo Robles
27-06-2020, 07:25 PM
Mundo 1.7 was released!

After a long hiatus of two years, we added some little improvements and much better server stability.
Finally we got joystick support (Linux only). It's a challenge to play a 3D MMORPG with a joystick, but the controls became very confortable.

http://gamemundo.com/sshots/Cityfromfar.jpeg (http://gamemundo.com/sshots/Cityfromfar.jpeg)

The project is hosted at:



Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog:

* New itens now flash in the backpack;
* NPCs now stop when the player is near;
* Added joystick support (Linux only);
* Large architecture improvements:
Max LOC Method 501 446
Max Cyclomatic Modified 70 63
Max parameteres 9 7
Max Depth 16 8
Max LOC File 2181 1710
Max Number of methods 58 45
External references 67 55

Ñuño Martínez
30-06-2020, 09:19 AM
Great! That grass look great.

I have to take a look to it. If I remember, last time I had problems with "login"; don't ask, I don't remember the details.

Rodrigo Robles
02-07-2020, 01:07 AM
Great! That grass look great.

I have to take a look to it. If I remember, last time I had problems with "login"; don't ask, I don't remember the details.

It's actually wheat... But the screenshot is somewhat lowres >.<

04-07-2020, 10:11 AM
Congrats on the new release mate! :)