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20-06-2007, 06:20 PM
Can you do me a favour and "digg" this article please (simple registration and click "digg")
You might even find the site useful !


Also, it made this months X-Gaming newsletter - http://www.xgaming.com/newsletter/june07.shtml?DCMP=EMC-junnl#features

20-06-2007, 09:03 PM
Well considering the amount of effort you put into this post I doubt you're going to get a whole lot of enthusiasm.

A subject line that doesn't just beg for help would be nice at least. :?

21-06-2007, 12:03 AM
Yeah, just what I was thinking, WILL. I didn't find registering to Digg just to do that worthwhile... Especially since I know nothing about the game :P

21-06-2007, 12:24 AM
Well, I have posted a fair bit about this game already, but if you want to check it out first, then have a look here:


21-06-2007, 12:35 AM
Well considering the amount of effort you put into this post I doubt you're going to get a whole lot of enthusiasm.

A subject line that doesn't just beg for help would be nice at least. :?

Hmm.. that's pretty rich when I`ve managed to make a half decent game here with Delphi when I`ve had little or no help off this forum for 2 years other than certain individuals. I would have thought that any publicity for a game written in delphi was a bonus.
As it happens, I got notice that the digg post and the x-arcade newsletter was going out at a certain time, so I wanted to get the digg post on the front page as quick as possible, as I had to go out.

The post refers to an article that points to the site for the game.

Anyway, I won't be making my next game with Delphi, so I won't be troubling you all from now on.

21-06-2007, 01:56 AM
He didn't mean it to be rude, Nzo2. He said it because if we don't even know what the games about, and most of us don't have time to go around doing things like that, then why would we want to do it? We don't know a thing about the game (I've never heard of it or the original) and for all we know, it could be a horrible game.. We don't want BAD publicity now, do we?

21-06-2007, 09:26 AM
Will speaks his mind, to some people that can come accross as blunt, but it's a trait which I respect. I wouldn't take it personally.

I too didn't know which game you meant or recognise your username.. so I was a little reluctant to visit an external link based on the information provided... If you'd provided a screenshot and a bit more info, Savage may have promoted the post to a news article.

As it turns out, I've seen your game on here and I think I played it too. It looks pretty cool and although I'm not a fan of the Robotron style (I suck at it), I can appreciate the work you've put into it.

I'm not a member of Digg though and I don't plan on becomming a member.. I don't know much about Digg, but I believe it and slashdot were sites created to keep the trolls away from real sites ;-)
(this of course, is a joke)

21-06-2007, 02:31 PM
Well I suppose I could have been nice and not said anything. :) But how much would that have helped you?

As far as your feelings of being dejected... It's not what you get out of it, but rather what you put in that counts. You can't expect everyone to flock to you, just because you are you. As nice a guy as you may be. :)

In this industry/scene you only get the attention that you 'attract' to yourself.

Some food for though; The whole reason why praise, attention and acclaim is so valuable is because you have to work 3-10 times as hard to get it.

23-06-2007, 12:52 AM
It's ok, I`m not offended, nor am I dejected.

I also don't need to boost my image in this industry/scene as I`m already in it - if I was after fame and fortune, I wouldn't be remaking a 25 year old game in 10 year old technology.

This was a labour of love.

The original game was and is known as the "father" of arcade sheups and people who are not familiar with it won't "get it" anyway, so no point trying to convert the uninitiated.

I spent 2 years trying to twist delphi and delphiX into a rendition of a fast paced arcade game, and I think I did it quite well, so why not try and promote it?

It's not shareware. There are remakes of this game asking $15 or more and they are not even in the same ball park. Anyway, whatever anyone has to say about "how things are taken" and "he says it like this"... I really don't care.

I don`t want people to "flock" to me - eh? What I want is people to see what a real arcade game is all about.

I KNOW this is a GOOD example of an arcade game made with delphi - and I should know. I`m proud of what I`ve done and I want people to see it. I don't think anyone can gainsay that.

Why should I make a PC post for boosting exposure to something when it just needs to be looked at, then people can make their own minds up? Anyway, I`m not going to go into that. Maybe if more than 2 people ever answered any of my posts, then I wouldn't have such an issue. I thought this board was dead anyway, but it is for me now for sure.

23-06-2007, 02:10 AM
Well... Alls I can say, is had you of put slightly more of an effort into your post, because some people really don't have time to check things that might be a waste, many more people woulda dugg it. You still haven't provided a description, and I still don't know what mechatron or robotron is.

On another note, I guess its a goodbye then... :(

23-06-2007, 02:55 AM
I'll say this for the benefit of those here at the site. I already know what you're going to do. :)

Why should I make a PC post for boosting exposure to something when it just needs to be looked at, then people can make their own minds up? Anyway, I`m not going to go into that. Maybe if more than 2 people ever answered any of my posts, then I wouldn't have such an issue.

Your entire argument is that others should take the time to go see your game and leave comments whist you haven't put a lick of effort into presenting it here for our benefit. And the only reason you do not want to 'go into that' is because you realize it makes you look bad.

Instead of taking anything constructive from what feedback you did get you decided to throw a hissy fit and start handing out insults and excuses. You think the C community is going to be any nicer to those that act like you just did? :lol:

Life isn't fair kid, get over it.

23-06-2007, 12:13 PM
Despite WILL's lock on this topic, I just wanted to add this:

Your request for a rating is not the first one we've seen here at PGD. Such requests have been here in all kinds of forms, with WILL's Garland quest, being one prior before yours. Truth be told, I haven't rated that game either. Simple reason for that is that I'm not a member of that site. If I were, I would've rated.
So really, if you think you are the only one with this 'problem', think again, because you´re not.

If you want to gauge popularity of your game, find a system that does not require a membership to rate. If you want to gauge popularity, get a website and check the number of downloads. Put up a contact form, see how many people send you emails about it. Not only will it tell your more about its populariry, it will also make you feel a lot better about it.

On another note, I´ve taken the time to check your posts. And for someone who wants to see something from others, you´re not doing a whole lot in return. Pretty much all of your posts are about Delphix and some kind of problem you´re having with it. I´ve seen none, where you comment others with their games or projects, or where you try to help out with some kind of problem.

When you give something back more often, I´m sure you´ll find more people open to these kinds of requests as well.

Perhaps you should keep this in mind when you start visiting new sites.

25-06-2007, 03:02 PM
Well, of course you are all right.
On reflection, this wasn't the way to go, even though any migitating circumstances in my 2nd post don't appear to have been taken into consideration. As it happens, I didn't place the article and I understood there to be a time critical reaction to getting it on the front page.

Also, in answer to Traveller's post - it's hard to help people out if you are struggling with it yourself (DelphiX).

I would have dropped DelphiX ages ago if I didn't already have so much work done on this project, so that wasn't any kind of petulence.

I think it's fair to say that I should not attempt any kind of "marketing" like this in the future.

25-06-2007, 03:48 PM
Just out of curiosity, have you registered your game on The Great Games Experiment?

If you did, it could be added to the "Games made with Pascal" list, you could add a link to your site for your game and create a badge for it to attract people.. the badge would show it's rating.

Just an idea.

I'm qute interested in the whole Guerrilla marketing issue, I'll be releasing a game on shareware soon and I'd like to get as many people as possible downloading and eventually purchasing the game.

It's very important to get a good impression accross as quickly as possible as bad impressions do a lot of damage; which takes a lot more good feedback to heal than bad feedback took to destroy.

As my game is cross platform, I'll be putting a link on HappyPenguin.. the only downside to that is that a load of the people on there, don't like paying for games and often want the source code too, not that that's an unreasonable request, but as the site is not specifically for open source games, commercial games do sometimes come under fire from OSS devotees.

25-06-2007, 05:40 PM
As my game is cross platform, I'll be putting a ]

If your game runs under any Unix, you're welcome to submit it to freshmeat (http://freshmeat.net/) too. This is very popular place for Unix software, may generate quite a few hits for your site. And non-open-source programs are welcome there as well. (And I don't think anyone complains much about non-open-source there... people can always filter out non-open-source using freshmeat filters if they want).

25-06-2007, 09:40 PM
[quote="jasonf"]Just out of curiosity, have you registered your game on The Great Games Experiment?
If you did, it could be added to the "Games made with Pascal" list, you could add a ]

I dunno. This game will probably only appeal to hardcore arcade-heads who are familiar with the genre. Worth a try, I suppose, but perhaps a little lower key that previously.

25-06-2007, 10:12 PM
Just out of curiosity, have you registered your game on The Great Games Experiment?

I just have. That's a very nice site.