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View Full Version : Amazon.com Books and Reviews

22-06-2007, 02:34 PM
You guy may have noticed that recently we added some lovely Amazon.com/uk/de ads to our front page. You may have also noticed that they have since been made dynamic and the selection has grown a bit to include quite a few books that relate directly to the community here.

Dom and I have been working to add not only provide linkage to .com and .co.uk, but also .de, .fr and .co.jp. However, as you might imagine, there is a bit of a language barrier for us. Specifically with the .de, .fr and .co.jp sites.

As you can see with the .com and .co.uk ads, there is an iframe tag that we need to display them properly so that if you click on or display it, they will know it's us. We need this code to match exactly with their english counterparts so we can display a few books are are only printed in Germany ('Free Pascal') and Japan ('Inside DelphiX') and if any in France too. (I don't happen to know any off-hand though. Prove me wrong! :))

We have been contemplating attaching a Book review section as well. Perhaps if there is interest in this thread we might just do that.