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View Full Version : Dev.Mag Issue 14

02-07-2007, 06:08 AM
<center>http://www.devmag.org.za/uploads/Issue14_cover.jpg ('http://www.devmag.org.za/viewissue.jsp?id=19')</center>

A brand new issue of Dev.Mag is out! And look who made the front cover...

Michiel and Frank wrote a really nice piece on the making of their Award winning '.S.C.A.G.' and ended up in the Feature section. Nice work guys! :thumbup:

This issue is pretty good overall, but it is especially nice for the beginners as this month they are focusing on some of the core basics.

Go get the lastest issue at www.devmag.org.za (http://www.devmag.org.za/)!

02-07-2007, 08:47 AM
And once again, a fine read it is :thumbup:

02-07-2007, 12:00 PM
Not sure if it's mentioned anywhere, but GameMaker, which is reviewed in this edition, is written in Delphi.

02-07-2007, 03:40 PM
Yeah, where on the frontpage :D
Never thought we would make it to teh frontpage :P

02-07-2007, 05:32 PM
You beat me to it this month!

I'll also start adding some non game-maker sections to my newbie articles - always a month after the game maker equivilent - so next month I'll look at Frame Based and Time Based movement of 2D sprites in a "read" programming language (like FPC/Delphi :) )

02-07-2007, 07:03 PM
Speaking of GameMaker and Delphi, does Mark Overmars every visit this site? It would be interesting to hear his point of view on some of the topics that go on, and to see if there will ever be a cross platform version of the application suite.

02-07-2007, 07:16 PM
It has been said by Mark that their most likely wont be a cross platform version of GM since it makes good use of DirectX. However with this new YoYo (http://yoyogames.com)-thing there might be some changes about that, but it's unlikely.

02-07-2007, 07:43 PM
It has been said by Mark that their most likely wont be a cross platform version of GM since it makes good use of DirectX. However with this new YoYo (http://yoyogames.com)-thing there might be some changes about that, but it's unlikely.

When did Mark say that there would not be a cross-platform version of GM?

02-07-2007, 08:01 PM
It said so on the old gamemaker-nl side (which is no longer in use) and now it's written here (http://www.yoyogames.com/wiki/show/Some%20Facts) under 'About the Program'.

02-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Thats unfortunate, OpenGL would be used to great effect under FPC/Laz should Mark change his mind on that. In fact, if he didn't mind having a deploy-only version for the other 2 major platforms, he'd be able to do that right now.

The main problem with doing a Lazarus GUI right now is that there a few instabilities of parts of the LCL. It's being worked on, but hey, it's a small team working on it so it will take some time to get through them.

02-07-2007, 10:14 PM
It said so on the old gamemaker-nl side (which is no longer in use) and now it's written here (http://www.yoyogames.com/wiki/show/Some%20Facts) under 'About the Program'.

I'll see if I can change his mind ;-).

02-07-2007, 10:40 PM
Rodain (Nandrew) has asked me if anyone would be interested in writing for the next issue. Any takers? I believe one person was already interested, no?

24-07-2007, 03:51 AM
I should be happy to contribute but the thing is to have something to write :shock: :)

24-07-2007, 04:36 AM
Rodain and the rest at Dev.Mag have been very good to us these last couple of issues. It would be good to have more contributions in the mag from us. :)

Actually to be honest, writing an article isn't all that hard to do. Sure you have to think of something to write about that would be interesting, but you can decide to go either technical or opinion based on your flavour of interest.

I find that I can write some fairly detailed stuff, because of my level of understanding of the community and in general some of my insight into the indie industry. It helps to be well read though...

For technical stuff, I find that to be considerably easier if you know the subject matter that you are covering. It helps to learn some new tricks and read up a bit more along the way, but if you stick to what you know and be honest about it, not too tough to do really. ;)

26-07-2007, 06:34 PM
This months deadline has passed already for contributions (Deadline is usually 14th of the month, or slighlt later if arranged up front.)

An article can be about anything. A postmortem of your game, a review of someone elses game (It would be nice to have PGD members reviewing each others games for the Mag).

Anyone is welcome to write in!