29-07-2007, 03:27 PM
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] ======= WHAT IT DOES ==================================== [
This MOD greatly enhances the visulal quality of Quake 2,
it upsamples all the game textures using the
powerful Lanczos filter specially designed
to increase the visual quality of the resampled image.
The original Quake2 renderer DOWNsamples the textures
to fit the weak 3d accelerators of its days,
using a visually degrading linear filter at that.
So, I can say, the original renderer
MUTILATES the game art turning it into a blurry crap.
It's not Carmack's fault, it's just the harsh reality
of the late 20th century hardware. Keep in mind that
the monsters of Quake2 were intended for *software*
rendering, their non-power-of-two skins are proof enough.
Screenshots comparing the original renderer with my enhancement:
] ======= REQUIREMENTS ==================================== [
1. Original quake2.exe v3.21. Alternately, you can use
a custom-built quake2.exe, just don't forget to set the
stack limit to at least 16 Mbytes.
2. A video card that supports the S3 texture compression
and has 32Mbytes of memory or more.
I think, even GeForce 2 will do.
3. It works with all mission packs, including "Ground Zero"!
] ======= INSTALLATION ==================================== [
1. Back up your quake2.exe and ref_gl.dll, just in case.
2. Copy stackhack.exe and ref_gl.dll to your Quake 2 folder,
replacing the original ref_gl.dll
3. Run stackhack to patch quake2.exe. This should take
care of the stack overflow crash.
4. Start your Quake 2 and enjoy ^_^
] ======= NOTES ON USAGE ================================== [
1. The "use 8 bit textures" option switches off the texture filtering making the image look more pixellated.
The mipmapping is disabled, the gl_texturemode variable is ignored. Use the option above to switch between GL_LINEAR and GL_NEAREST.
2. The texture quality slider in Q2 (which does have 4 positions) greatly affects the texture quality, just like it does in the original renderer. The lowest setting limits texture size to 256x256 (just like the original).
At the maximum quality most of the wall textures and monster skins are upsampled to 1024x1024.
This setting also controls the power of the underwater warping/blurring effect.
3. The video modes below 640x480 are substituted with your desktop default.
4. The menus and GUI are scaled up in the high resolution video modes.
] ======= THANKS ========================================== [
1. To Jan Horn (R.I.P) and everyone who did the Quake2
to Delphi conversion. This renderer is compiled
using Turbo Delphi Explorer.
2. To Marek Mauder for his powerful Vampyre Imaging library,
native to Pascal and available as sources.
] ======= WHAT IT DOES ==================================== [
This MOD greatly enhances the visulal quality of Quake 2,
it upsamples all the game textures using the
powerful Lanczos filter specially designed
to increase the visual quality of the resampled image.
The original Quake2 renderer DOWNsamples the textures
to fit the weak 3d accelerators of its days,
using a visually degrading linear filter at that.
So, I can say, the original renderer
MUTILATES the game art turning it into a blurry crap.
It's not Carmack's fault, it's just the harsh reality
of the late 20th century hardware. Keep in mind that
the monsters of Quake2 were intended for *software*
rendering, their non-power-of-two skins are proof enough.
Screenshots comparing the original renderer with my enhancement:
] ======= REQUIREMENTS ==================================== [
1. Original quake2.exe v3.21. Alternately, you can use
a custom-built quake2.exe, just don't forget to set the
stack limit to at least 16 Mbytes.
2. A video card that supports the S3 texture compression
and has 32Mbytes of memory or more.
I think, even GeForce 2 will do.
3. It works with all mission packs, including "Ground Zero"!
] ======= INSTALLATION ==================================== [
1. Back up your quake2.exe and ref_gl.dll, just in case.
2. Copy stackhack.exe and ref_gl.dll to your Quake 2 folder,
replacing the original ref_gl.dll
3. Run stackhack to patch quake2.exe. This should take
care of the stack overflow crash.
4. Start your Quake 2 and enjoy ^_^
] ======= NOTES ON USAGE ================================== [
1. The "use 8 bit textures" option switches off the texture filtering making the image look more pixellated.
The mipmapping is disabled, the gl_texturemode variable is ignored. Use the option above to switch between GL_LINEAR and GL_NEAREST.
2. The texture quality slider in Q2 (which does have 4 positions) greatly affects the texture quality, just like it does in the original renderer. The lowest setting limits texture size to 256x256 (just like the original).
At the maximum quality most of the wall textures and monster skins are upsampled to 1024x1024.
This setting also controls the power of the underwater warping/blurring effect.
3. The video modes below 640x480 are substituted with your desktop default.
4. The menus and GUI are scaled up in the high resolution video modes.
] ======= THANKS ========================================== [
1. To Jan Horn (R.I.P) and everyone who did the Quake2
to Delphi conversion. This renderer is compiled
using Turbo Delphi Explorer.
2. To Marek Mauder for his powerful Vampyre Imaging library,
native to Pascal and available as sources.