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View Full Version : Engine DirectX 8.1

09-08-2007, 04:21 PM
There are some game engine (Free or Payed) that did use Directx 8.1???

All that engines here did use DirectX 9, and i do need a DirectX 8.1 Engine!

Is there some?


09-08-2007, 04:39 PM
Why specifically do you need an 8.1 engine?

09-08-2007, 04:44 PM
It´s for 2D Games... Big Portals are asking to! Some users (a lot of) is having problems with Directx9 required games! =(

09-08-2007, 04:55 PM
As far as I know (Un)DelphiX use DirectX 8..... or am I wrong?

Robert Kosek
09-08-2007, 05:05 PM
No, UnDelphiX does use DX8.1 AFAIK. Though it is very different to work with.

Honestly, the problem stems from either bad drivers or old video cards.

09-08-2007, 06:48 PM
Omega is dx 8.1 - that is the reason I started using Omega as I couldn't get my customers to upgrade to dx9 at the time

You can still find omega on Erics website (Firle)