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View Full Version : Simple TextOut

19-08-2007, 09:22 AM
Hello. When I used DelphiX, it was so easy just to write "DXDraw.canvas.textout", but in Asphyre, it seems to be that I should create something with the manager, and then load the stuff into TAsphyreFonts, and in the end, they are based on bitmaps..

So, isn't there any way just to use one Windows fonts? Can't Asphyre do that? I just want simple text, not anything bigger. :/ It would be great if there were just a simple TextOut- procedure in Asphyre :(

19-08-2007, 02:47 PM
Asphyre is vry easy to make fonts ;]

=( im having problems with SDL fonts

Generate fonts with "fonttool" and add to the asdb file (the tool make that)

then in form create


Use then like this
fonts.Items[0].TextOut(IntToStr(Timer.FrameRate) + ' : FPS', 40, 415, $FF46CC00, $FF00FFFF, fxBlend);

19-08-2007, 04:19 PM
Hello. When I used DelphiX, it was so easy just to write "DXDraw.canvas.textout", but in Asphyre, it seems to be that I should create something with the manager, and then load the stuff into TAsphyreFonts, and in the end, they are based on bitmaps..

So, isn't there any way just to use one Windows fonts? Can't Asphyre do that? I just want simple text, not anything bigger. :/ It would be great if there were just a simple TextOut- procedure in Asphyre :(
What version of Asphyre do you use? Asphyre 4 supports both bitmap and Windows system fonts.

26-09-2007, 08:01 AM
Oh, again those ASDBs :(

Hmm, don't remember which version I got.. maybe the Extreme, I'm not sure. I'll check it later today. A decent TextOut-system would really be nice, it's not very much fun (well, everything's not always fun, but..) to mess with the ASDB things.

Or, maybe I should just accept ASDB. I already had problems when loading images straight from file, as BMPs etc., and everyone told me to use the ASDB, but I think it works a lot better when they are loaded straight from file.. wellwelllll.

30-09-2007, 11:14 AM
.. oh damn, I already had good TextOut- unit somewhere and now I found it. Excellent memory I have.

Thanks anyway.