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View Full Version : My Mapeditor

01-10-2007, 09:40 PM
Well, i bet this isnt really a large feat, but i think it is nice. especially when i think of that i only just started programming it at school today...

It is programmed in Delphi 2006, using Phoenix 2D, and my own "Tiles" and "GLComps" unit.

Future use: Making maps for my MORPG project.

Video: (bad framerate when i record. sry) http://thorins.net/downloads/mapeditor.avi

Download: http://thorins.net/downloads/Mapeditor.rar

I cannot guarantee that loading "Map1" works on Non-Vista computers, because I have not made my own file format for the maps yet, and are using ini-files, wich seem to have changed format in vista...

But if you save you own maps, they should be loadable...

P.S: It may take some time for the links to work.. i am uploading ATM

Edit: on second thought: dont save maps. they are saved as Ini-files at your computers default place to save ini-files (C:\Windows in most cases)
if you want to save/load, you have to write the entire path to the file...

Edit2 - Controls:
Right mouse button: Movement
Left mouse button: Place tile
Wheel: Change selected Tile
Left Ctrl+Wheel: Change selected Layer
Left Alt+Wheel: Change Tileset of selected Layer
Left Ctrl+Return: Add Layer

04-10-2007, 11:58 PM
I am playing around with something like that for a roguelike... I am playing around with the idea of embedding python (or whatever I can find into it) http://www.python.org/doc/ext/extending-with-embedding.html
This would allow user defined maps and random dungeons that would be read back from the disk.. realy it is in c and then executed by pascal... I haven't tried it yet and I am not sure if I need the .dll or the enterpiter..

05-10-2007, 06:11 AM
You have something odd with the search paths in the project, it looks for glfw.dll in

C:\Users\Diaboli\Documents\Borland Studio Projects\Phoenix2D\src\glfw.dll

obvioiusly, i dont have that folder

05-10-2007, 09:28 AM
I have a few tips to help improve your recording with Cam Studio. I can sort of see a few 'mistakes' you made that would make your recording so slow/choppy.

:arrow: First is the size of your video. Instead of choosing a really large screen res for your desktop then setting it to record the whole thing either reduce your desktop size to something that most will not have a problem with and record at fullscreen or reduce the recorded area to something a bit smaller that will be seen a bit better on lower sizes. 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768 for instance. I doubt that most people will be able to take full advantage of your apparent 'HD' version. :lol: This will more than anything reduce your video's bitrate quite a bit. And we can actually see the text when it's viewed on a standard 1024x768 screen. I couldn't even think of showing this off on YouTube. :?

:arrow: CamStudio by default, is set all crappy. I strongly recommend going to 'Video Options' under the main menu 'Options'.

Here set Compressor to "Microsoft Video 1" and Quality to 100.

Video 1 is a decent raw video format for the clunky CamStudio software it won't take as much processing as others might need so you will lose less frames. And quality of 100 is a no brainer. Especially if you plan on showing off text.

This part you can do 1 of 2 ways, use the Time Lapse slider with Auto Adjust checked OR set the following manually. You will need to uncheck Auto Adjust either way once you are done.

Set key frames every to 30
Capture Frames Every to 33
Playback Rate to 30
Auto Adjust to unchecked

30 fps is a good standard for your video, if you have a faster system you could go with 60, but in all honesty TV and movies (non-HD anyhow) only ever get up to 20.97 fps. Also the higher you set your framerate obviously will increase the bitrate of the video.

Thats it really. It's not a bad video so much as it was not setup nicely. I'd love to have something like this posted to YouTube to show off your project. Are you planning to make a project site for your tool or your MMO?

05-10-2007, 03:11 PM
I looked at the video and its lookin really sweet :) Great work.

06-10-2007, 12:15 AM
thx, all! :D

i'm currently trying to solve some other problems in the MORPG, and dont use much time on this mapeditor, as i'm not come to the point of actually loading maps in the client yet. and i still havent desided how to implement collision-checking (as this will be don on the server-side, it complicates things)

I'll see if i can make a better-sized video tomorrow. forgot about my 1920x1200 res:P btw: another reason to my framerate problems may be my slinghtly defect video-card. a replacement is coming tuesday :D (thx, Dell XPS service)

a site for the MORPG may be set up when i get the project more stable and i have more to show off than a 2x2 grass map and some choppy animated characters:P (dunno why they're choppy though... should be straight-forward, but i guess there's some timing-error)

Edit: i'll fix that dll-error asap:P