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View Full Version : Delphi IDE+Debugger with Freepascal compiler?

02-10-2007, 12:36 AM
Anyone have an idea how to do that? I prefer delphi 2006/2007's coding environment and debugger over lazarus's, but i'd like to try porting one of my larger projects to freepascal and see if i can get it to run in linux and then... who knows!!

Anyway, way back when, with bp7 i had managed to use its ide as a frontend for my compilers since it could intercept the output messages and display them in the messages pane. I've tried to do something similar with the Build Tools and Configure Tools menu options in delphi but... well that didnt work out.

So, has anyone done this?

Not that it's such a big bother really, i'll eventually learn to better use lazarus if i have to but since i've got the delphis, i wouldn't mind using them even more!

02-10-2007, 06:15 AM
Look for a project called CrossFPC. It's sort of a hack of Delphi to be able to use the FPC binary to compile with.

Not the greatest of ideas though. You'd probably be better off just learning Lazarus. There are even some things that are, I dare say, better then the way Delphi does things.

28-10-2007, 02:17 PM
Cross FPC has made a lot of noise, but till now only released one fairly simple beta.

Most notably I doubt they really will get the designer to work properly with FPC in a cross platform way.

Some examples of the better stuff:
- recursive wildcards in directories (use /dir/* or c:\dir\*)
- packages have own directory tabs, that are auto added if you install a pkg.

Sounds trivial but I really miss them if after the weekend I go back to my (delphi) day job.