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04-10-2007, 09:29 AM

I thought I'd create a little thread dedicated to little problems that I find in the library as I go along. Please note that I'm not trying to be clever or criticize the great work thats been put into Phoenix, I just thought it would be a nice way to centralize the various problems that are popping up here and there. There is no point in me simply fixing them locally, as then no-one would be able to compile my code.

The first one :

The collision method in the unit phxSprites is mis-spelled as Collission

Its obviously just a typo as it is spelled correctly in other places in the unit, but it does mean that any procedure that is descended or derived from this perpetuates the error.

04-10-2007, 11:00 AM
Here's an interesting one.
It seems that if i set up my font AFTER I load images and sprite-engine graphics, the sprites all display as white squares, its probably not a bug but it did keep me busy for a few hours trying to figure it out.

White square sprites :

Procedure Do_Setup;
// --- Screen ---
Screen := TPHXScreen.getInstance();

// --- Setup Canvas ---
Canvas := TPHXCanvas.Create;

// --- Setup timer ---
Timer:= TPHXTimer.Create;

// --- Collisions --- //
ColEngine := TPHXCollisionEngine.Create;

// --- Load images from map --- //
AllImages := TPHXImageList.Create;
SpriteEngine := TPHXSpriteEngine.Create;
SpriteEngine.ImageList:= AllImages;

// --- Create a new layer with our spriteset --- //
SpriteEngine.Layers.Add(TPHXSpriteLayer.Create( SpriteEngine, '1945.png' ) );
CreateSprites(SpriteEngine, AllImages);

{--- Input --- }
Input:= TPHXInput.Create;
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton1]:= KeyBinding(VK_SPACE);
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton2]:= KeyBinding( Ord('B'), Ord('2'));
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton3]:= KeyBinding( Ord('C'), Ord('3'));
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton4]:= KeyBinding( VK_DELETE);

// --- set up the font for text output ---
Font := TPHXFont.Create;


Sprites displaying correctly:

Procedure Do_Setup;
// --- Screen ---
Screen := TPHXScreen.getInstance();

// --- set up the font for text output ---
Font := TPHXFont.Create;

// --- Setup Canvas ---
Canvas := TPHXCanvas.Create;

// --- Setup timer ---
Timer:= TPHXTimer.Create;

// --- Collisions --- //
ColEngine := TPHXCollisionEngine.Create;

// --- Load images from map --- //
AllImages := TPHXImageList.Create;
SpriteEngine := TPHXSpriteEngine.Create;
SpriteEngine.ImageList:= AllImages;

// --- Create a new layer with our spriteset --- //
SpriteEngine.Layers.Add(TPHXSpriteLayer.Create( SpriteEngine, '1945.png' ) );
CreateSprites(SpriteEngine, AllImages);

{--- Input --- }
Input:= TPHXInput.Create;
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton1]:= KeyBinding(VK_SPACE);
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton2]:= KeyBinding( Ord('B'), Ord('2'));
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton3]:= KeyBinding( Ord('C'), Ord('3'));
Input.Keyboard.KeyBinding[isButton4]:= KeyBinding( VK_DELETE);