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View Full Version : Finally some more information on WiiWare!

03-12-2007, 12:43 AM
Caught this on a blog of someone named 'Kurisu'.

Updates on WiiWare (http://christian.helmich.free.fr/kirin/blog/?p=48)

The word so far is keep it within 40MB max. :o Which is pretty tight considering the generation of console, but then again considering that it's a downloadable game... it kinda makes some sense. Hmm... I wonder if people will be able to SAVE these games on a card or HDD???

The 16MB max. for save files doesn't seem too tight though. These are console games afterall...

Oh another forum thread I found too... has some other information.

Before I'm done here, you might also want to note that WarioWorld.com has now added the option for WiiWare on the Wii SDK application!

Check it out! (http://www.warioworld.com/apply/wii.html)

22-06-2009, 11:25 PM
It seems that WiiWare is now out and is going for about... $2000 USD? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but is noone interested in Wii development with FPC?

23-06-2009, 08:47 AM
It's not that I'm not interested. The thing is that I'm not going to pay $2000 if I do not have a game ready, tested and played by at least a couple thousand people. I think World of Good did it right. It was a big hit on PC and now it's available on Wii too.

Ñuño Martínez
23-06-2009, 09:10 AM
I'm with traveller.

BTW, is it possible to test the SDK for free?

24-06-2009, 04:10 AM
It seems that WiiWare is now out and is going for about... $2000 USD? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but is noone interested in Wii development with FPC?

As I own a Wii, I would definitely be interested...not that I can afford $2000 though :(


24-06-2009, 08:58 PM
Also $2000 sounds doable if you got a nice game ready to be released. If you are uncertain you can produce something it is a lot. Also i believe nintendo ask for released 'commercial' projects before you can buy it. So even if you can afford it it may be hard to get. Is this $2000 only a license to be allowed to develop for the wii or do you get some nice tools also or only a cpp compiler with docs?

You always can go the 'homebrew' way with devkitpro. You cannot go commercial that way. And Nintendo does not aprove that way. Be aware that going beyond a rotating cube is going to be hard on the wii as its 3d api looks like opengl, but it is kind of different. My attempt to make it work like opengl without proper documentation: http://code.google.com/p/gl2gx/ . Yes i gave up.