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View Full Version : Getting started with Delphi[my idea]

30-05-2003, 07:23 AM
First of all I would like to say hello to this forum as you have all noticed I am the new person in here :))
And now about my idea.
Ok I admin it I have not a clue about delphi and most important about Units components and DirectX programming but I believe that this will not stop me from learning some stuff.

I make this topic in order to help myself and other persons that are like me they want to learn and do not know lots of stuff.

I spend some time now reading tones of sites but I lack the knowledge of delphi and this is something that makes it more dificult to understand.

I tried to use DelphiX and managed to do some things thanks to some tutorials. And I understand something there.

But after I wanted to use DirectPlay and JEDI and other comp-units
And there started the real problems :) I did not udnerstand anything
I open the examples and then my head was going round and round.

Anyway I will record my steps what tutorials I read and what sites I've been reading I will make then link them here so if another person wants to start from the beggining like me he should find something here.

Sorry for the bla bla but I am a newbe and I want to help :)

Have a nice day :lol:

30-05-2003, 09:24 AM
I just started using the JEDI units for myself and to be honest I have started to read them and started to play around with them about 10 times before and I never understood what was happening or what they where doing! :)

Until one or two months ago, then I just started reading them and I think I saw the trees through the woods, because it's not as hard as it seems!

I have to admit I haven't tried joystick and mouse input yet with DirectPlay, since I need screencoordinates and as far as I have seen DirectPlay can't give them for the mouse and when it comes to the joystick, I haven't needed it yet! :-D The keyboard is fairly easy to use. What I do advice you though is to download the Microsoft DirectX 9 SDK from the MSDN website so you can lookup what each command does that is used in the JEDI examples. I also found a great website concerning DirectX and DirectPlay, but I'm not sure I'll find it again ... hold on ... Okay I found it! :)


Downside of using the DirectX 9 API (JEDI) is that most of the examples you find online are in C++. :( However if you read the tutorials and use the examples you find with the JEDI headers and on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JEDI-DirectXExamples/

Remember however that a lot of online examples are written for DirectX 8, most of the time it's easy to convert, since you can simply change the 8 to a 9 in the object name, however in some cases DirectX 9 uses DirectX 8 objects, since there where no major changes... if you use the DirectX 9 SDK helpfile you can lookup if there is a DX9 version of a certain object, if it doesn't excist you can simply use the DX8 object! :)

Hope this helps a little! :)