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View Full Version : FontRender/VTDbManager messed up?

01-06-2003, 03:15 PM
Yep it is me again.

Because VTDbManager occasionally has the annoying habit of rendering my VTDb files invalid, I went to use the XML compile option, which works great! The only problem is kind of that it requires OR a bitmap kind of thing with all the parameters filled in, which I can't get since FontRender doesn't have it as a part of it's export capabilities. But the "import .FNT" option doesn't work either, since it seems that VTDbManager doesn't convert them to use FNT2 format, or FontRender spews out an invalid FNT file. So right now I am stuck using a seperate VTDb for my fonts, and whenever I want to add fonts, I pray VTDbManager doesn't mess the file up :p

Oh a little sidenote for VTDbManager. It might be handy not to make DELETE delete the record while you are editing the recordkey-name. I have already wiped out to many records this way :(

Will the source of the tools be made available in the final release? That would be great, as I currently do not have the time to write my own tools :P

03-06-2003, 12:15 PM
please describe which version of VTDbManager you are using and send your part of XML-compilation file, so I can give you an answer or fix the bug. :oops:
You can also try to download v1.2 from http://jansoft.aquasoft.cz or use my own FntCreator with better linkage to VTDbManager.

03-06-2003, 01:05 PM
I am using the version that comes with the latest PowerDraw release on turbo. (powerdrawpre.zip or something?). According to the about box it is v1.3, so I am a bit confused when you are telling me to try to download 1.2? Is your VTDbManager a whole different program or is the counting messed up?

The font I have tried to make for example was a normal Verdana font, standard settings in the supplied FontRender.exe, with output set for FNT (v1) or something. Then I used the instruction to add the font as a FNT2 to my VTDB. All goes well, but as soon as I try to access the newly made key, a Division by zero occurs, effectively making me believe there is a bug somewhere :P (I tried tons of other settings as well).

I will try your FontCreator. Thanks for the tip!

03-06-2003, 02:36 PM
Oh yes, VTDbMan v 1.3 has only one change - it is compiled with PDraw.dll v1.7 (released with Pdraw3Pre3? - software renderer).

Problem with adding fonts is in versions - you are importing font from FontRender saved under v1, but "Add font" from menu allows only FNT2 fonts.

It looks strange, I now - but you can use XML compilation, which was primary reason for this tool. If there will be more users than I (and maybe you will :?: :) ) I can add more user-interaction functions.

03-06-2003, 02:56 PM
Oh I would love to help work on VTDbManager :D. Right now, (ssh don't tell LifePower) I am writing a PowerMenu component to simplify the making of menu's (and possibly setting settings :p). I wanted a clean uniform look in my program and I could aswell let other people have a share of the fun :)

I just hope age is not a problem, many people kind of think you can't do anything if you aren't atleast 18. I had my share of age-discrimination already :D

About the font thing... to bad :( FontRender.exe can do everything I want, but lacks an option to immediately write fnt2 output to file :(. Btw, your readme says this:

- PowerDraw 3.0
- Directx 9+ required
- importing FNT v1, FNT v2

So I assumed writing to FNT1 would work. Your FontCreator program looks good, only bad part is that it is so slow, and doesn't have the options FontRender has (shadows, imrpove for...).

Something that just entered my mind.. I believe VTDbManager has an "Export to Binary" menu option? Why not a "IMPORT from Binary", where you can specify the header? This way people (which I am one of for now sorry :p) can still use FontRender, send output to VTDb, export to binary, and use a binary import to rewrite their VTDb with fonts. It's a workaround, but would allow all kinds of formats to be added in through menu and through XML.

End ramble ;)

03-06-2003, 03:04 PM
hmmm. Try this
It's only demo and i havent time to do official release - read more about JABAGUI at my website.
But it can be better in near future (as LifePower says also :-))
And : age is not problem - the knowledge can be ;-)

03-06-2003, 03:06 PM
I can find my way around Delphi and classes, have no problems with most things. Just databases and interfaces are the subjects I lack the time to thoroughly explore. So... knowledge a problem? :)

03-06-2003, 03:09 PM
No, no problem. Databases are not yet in VertexTextreDatabaseManager :-))
Sou contact me another way (at my homepage) and we can talk about...

03-06-2003, 03:09 PM
Getting error: Cannot read from disk?

I unzipped it in a temporarily folder, so no conflicts for as far I am aware. Well I will study the VTD's in any case :):)

04-06-2003, 07:52 AM
I solved your problems and new version of VTDBMan 1.4 was released.