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View Full Version : Elipsoid with triangle collision

13-03-2008, 10:37 AM
In first sorry ad my poor english.

This is demo for collision detection with elips and triangle.

http://svsd.mirgames.ru/OpenGL/files/elipsoid.rar -binary 363kb
http://svsd.mirgames.ru/OpenGL/files/elipsoid_src.rar -source 218kb

And I need to test my mathematical library (in demo) -> l_math.pas
or http://svsd.mirgames.ru/OpenGL/files/l_math.rar

And tell me what you think :)

13-03-2008, 11:51 AM
Could you next time have some escape mechanism? I had to restart my computer, could not even go to the task bar.

13-03-2008, 03:12 PM
Could you next time have some escape mechanism? I had to restart my computer, could not even go to the task bar.
hmm... I did not see this error.