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View Full Version : Necro3D Game Engine 2

30-06-2008, 06:20 PM
Hi all,

It's a while since I posted some of my engine news. I'm currently working alone on Necro3D Game Engine 2.
The progress is really slow as I don't have much time, but I still want to show you all some results dough.

Features so far:
- Fully functional plugin system for video, sound, input, network and games
- Can run multiple plugin DLL games at the same time that share resources (no communication yet, thats still to come)
- Multi threaded (currenly only loading of resources)
- Resource manager for meshes, sounds, textures and shaders
- Deferred shading
* Point light
* Directional light
- Some nice post effects
* Cartoon outlines
* Screen space ambient occlusion
* Radial blur
* Bleach bypass
- Good interaction with the editor
- Simple in-game console
- Resource loading from package files and disk

I still don't have a clear goal to make a game, so I don't have any real "game screen shots". Anyways here are 2 basic screen shot I took:
Deferred shading:
Post effects

01-07-2008, 05:51 AM
wow ! i'm happy to see that necrodome is always developped, even if you're alone.

you've done a great job again ! :shock:

01-07-2008, 07:32 AM
Looking good! I hope you'll find the time to complete it or at least find good use for it (ie a game)

Bumped to news.

01-07-2008, 05:34 PM
Actually it look kinda crappy, randomly generated thee pots. Post effects are also still showing some glitches.
Engine architecture and deferred shading are the best things I can show off :P. (Well, you don't see any architecture in the pics, but imo it's good :P)
I'm still wondering what kind of game I'm gonna make... Currently I have 2 ideas: car racing game of RTS. But as I'm agile it can change in an eye blink.

Luuk van Venrooij
01-07-2008, 09:04 PM
Looks nice, I really like the sound of the modular plugin system you have. I`m currently working on something similar for the genesis device engine accept I will only be using this for adding new stuff 2 the scenegraph. Like a plugin for terrain, meshes, trees, grass etc.

01-07-2008, 09:08 PM
Do you handle different lighting models in the last renderpass for each individual light? How many components do you have in your fat framebuffer? Do you use NPOT textures and are those using floating point?

That was a big load of questions :)

02-07-2008, 07:27 PM
Currently one light model, more to come. All combined in some render pass. I use 5 GBuffers. 1 RGBA for color, 1 RGBA for normals and specular, 1 R (32 bit red) for depth, 1 RGBA for the lightning colors and 1 for the final pass (this is mainly used for post effect).

I still need to make a small tech demo that shows off some nice features.