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View Full Version : public property with rtti in delphi?

01-10-2008, 06:22 PM
Delphi 2005 win32

Can i detect if an public (not published) property exists?

I use xml and rtti to add objects on runtime. Now one object can have a list of other objects only the list is a public property and not a published one.
Besides making the list a published property what options do i have?

My idea was that when i encounter an xml child tag with the name of an property of the object it would allow to add the children of that tag to items list. E.g.


So once MyObject is created. The items is found as child. Not it looks if items is a property exists in MyObject. If it does it goes looking for children that are added by the assumed .Add( childitem). But as Items is not published it is not found :-(

Thanks for your answers in advance.

02-10-2008, 01:38 AM
AFAIK, it is not possible to do this using RTTI unless the properties are published :(

I think the only other option would be to make your own metadata? for your objects so you can register properties/methods with some internal list and you can then see what properties/methods the object has this way.
