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View Full Version : svn (tortoise) problem

05-02-2009, 07:50 PM
Hope there are some svn wizards here.
Somehow one of my files dropped out of svn i.e. it got a ? to its icon.
Confused as i was i added it again and commited it.

But now when i changed the file and wanted to commit it it says i cannot find the files in the local _svn folder? A cleanup does not help.

Now as i only made a small change i decided to check out my project again make the change again and commited it now its ok again.

What could have happened here? How can i prevent it from happening again?

Ñuño Martínez
06-02-2009, 12:45 AM
I never used "tortoise", but when I have big problems with Subversion I do that:

First, I copy only (and only) the files I modified to a directory out of the local tree. Then, I delete the whole local tree. After that, I checkout for a new local copy. Finally, I copy the previously copied files to the new local tree.

That solved almost all (few) big problems I ever had with SVN. If this doesn't solves your problem, may be there's a conflictive change somewhere or a corrupt file. Try to get the differences between the local copy and the server's one. In console use "svn diff <file>". I use KDEsvn (http://kdesvn.alwins-world.de/) some times because allows to see the differences of each file in a very useful way. KDEsvn is a great client and should run on Windows too (Kompare (http://www.caffeinated.me.uk/kompare/) also recommendable).

06-02-2009, 03:25 AM
I've found Tortoise to be very buggy (well I am on Vista). Instead I use RapidSVN and have had good luck with it so far.

Also, deleting the local version and re-pulling helps a lot of the time.

Finally, install the command line version and try running a repair via it.