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View Full Version : Does MIDlet Pascal works for BlackBerry?

03-03-2009, 11:01 PM
Hey just a curiosity... Does MIDlet Pascal work with BlackBerry? Or is there any reason to believe that it would not?

I ask because I have recently gotten one to replace my well aged GSM phone and was considering creating applications for it. Would be great to use my native language instead of just raw Java. ;)

Any information anyone have on this?

Links I have found myself:

BlackBerry Developers Site -- http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/
BlackBerry JDE API Specification -- http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/4.3.0api/overview-summary.html
Game API -- http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/4.3.0api/javax/microedition/lcdui/game/package-summary.html

02-06-2009, 07:13 PM
Back when I was learning this in it's infancy...I tried it with a blackberry user and it didn't work. Cannot elaborate on what happened because I don't know why, and at the time would not know how to investigate further anyway...

Haven't looked at the links you have provided either. Again because probably still would not know why...

But at the same time don't know enough to help more! But not seen a post in here in age and thought i'd say something!

03-06-2009, 01:12 PM
Just because it got brought back up, this post (http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lists/fpc-pascal/2006-July/011197.html) from the FPC NG would suggest that MP can compile for BB's. Guess the question is why you would do it and how long it would take to do it :).

03-06-2009, 03:27 PM
Just because it got brought back up, this post (http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lists/fpc-pascal/2006-July/011197.html) from the FPC NG would suggest that MP can compile for BB's. Guess the question is why you would do it and how long it would take to do it :).

Easy, I have a Blackberry and the current development tools from them suck. :vomit::

The model I have is the other matter. I have a Blackberry Pearl. The ones that they have been offering free with a plan through Bell Canada and Telus up here. :) Since the think is practically a mobile computer it might be nice to get soime extra use out of this bad-boy if you know what I mean. Maybe make a game or two...

05-06-2009, 07:43 AM
Hmmm that looks a bit like a Sony Ericsson P900! Ive always had PDA phones right through from SE P800 to P990i. Unfortunately last week, My SE P990i packed up for good and since there was no successor, now the unproud owner of a SE C902.

Got to get used to having a phone without a keyboard, a phone is not a phone unless it has a keyboard...

I've got a game that I have posted pictures on here you might want to test? As I have done stuff for PDA size screens...(actually it should work on all as autosizes anyway to fill the screen) I could upload to a file website for you to test?

It's been obsfucated too...I managed to work out how to use one in the end!

As that annoyance of false a virus that MP has...

Also starting to use custom library units which add extra features to MP like vibrate (as per the manual i have followed and got it to work) so I might be of some use!

Im working on a what I hope to be a commercial sellable game...so that will be finished this month i hope too...