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View Full Version : Allegro.pas 4.3.0 on the way...

Ñuño Martínez
06-04-2009, 08:29 AM
Hello people.

I've released the first alpha of the Allegro.pas (http://allegro-pas.sourceforge.net/) game library version 4.3.0. Here you have what you'll find:
It compiles and runs on GNU/Linux. 8) There are two problems: I'm afraid I broke Delphi compatibility and some things (MIDI, bitmap rotation...) don't work yet. :(
UNICODE support. Well, limited but functional.
Lots of new functions including several hardware acceleration where available.
New documentation engine (pasdoc (http://pasdoc.sipsolutions.net/)).

There are some features planned too, i. e. OpenGL support. :yes:

Please download it, test it and let me know your opinion (and if you find a bug, fix it and send me the patch ;D ) specially if you own a Windows system since I don't have one now and I didn't test it.

Really, download it (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=184664&package_id=214777&release_id=673719), compile the examples and the demo game and tell me if you can actually use it. Thanks!

08-04-2009, 10:26 AM
Hi Nunu, I downloaded your project but can't get it to work. I'm using Vista and Delphi 6. The fix script doesn't do anything and I added your lib in delphi library path but there are no *.dpr files to compile :(

Ñuño Martínez
09-04-2009, 02:26 AM
Hi Wizard. I'm afraid it will not work on Delphi this time. AFAIK Delphi doesn't support public variables on DLL, that's why previous Allegro.pas used a lot of pointers. Or that was in old Delphi 6, don't know if latest versions support public variables as Free Pascal does.
Anyway, the Allegro development team did design a new API for Allegro 5 which should be more compatible with other languages (original Allegro is written in C) so Allegro.pas 5.x should work with Delphi again.

If you want try, the programs are named "*.pp" (from "Pascal Program"). Rename them to "*.dpr".

If you can't use 4.3 you can try with latest 4.2. It has a bit less functionality but it works. And I'll fix version 4.2 if it's necessary until release of version 5.0.

09-04-2009, 06:27 AM
Doesn't work even if I rename to *.dpr :( Thanks anyway ;)

Ñuño Martínez
12-04-2009, 11:42 PM
Doesn't work even if I rename to *.dpr :( Thanks anyway ;)
Thanks to confirm it.