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View Full Version : Time Travel Constructor

25-05-2009, 11:02 AM
It seems like I'm finishing every month a little game. :)
This weekend I had a few hours for the Mini LD #9 (http://www.ludumdare.com/compo) compo and the theme was time with a little soundpack we had to use. I invested about 20 - 22 hours developing the game including creating the graphics.
What is my game all about? As a constructor/economic specialist something you need to gather resources in order to win the game. Unfortunately other citizens already build their houses on the best spots directly beside the wood you so desperately need. Now you need to gather time energy which allows you to jump back in time and build whereever you want to build before anyone else can.

http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/minild9-300x232.jpg (http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/minild9.jpg)

Download here: Stoney_MiniLD9_TimeTravelConstructor.zip (http://freeze-dev.de/blog/?download=Games.TimeTravelConstructor) (15,7 MB; Windows Binary + Source)

26-05-2009, 04:22 PM
Downloaded and played through a few times (hard to beat). Few suggestions. Need to make the Win/Loose more evident. The first time I played I didn't realize that I lost or why I lost for a long time (you could put it in the instructions that your on a time limit) an end game screen would fix that problem.

Dynamics are ok, but need a lot of work in general.

I do have to say this, for a game built in 20 hours this is fairly impressive. Granted I could duplicate it quicker than that, but to come up with it from scratch is impressive. I'd say keep working on it and get the polish out. Would be interesting to have some animation on the windmill, lumberjack, and mine.

Also, you should make the time era's have some meaning. Right now you simply get up enough to go back to 1 and then build lumber jacks like crazy.

- Jeremy