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View Full Version : Nixstaller

15-06-2009, 10:28 PM
I've recently came across Nixstaller (http://nixstaller.berlios.de/), which is a simple setup creation toolkit for Linux systems. This takes away the burden of generating packages for different Linux distros (RPM, DEB?)

What it does is put all in a *.sh file and then the user just executes it. I'm definitely going to use this for my projects to make the installation process easier. ;D ;D ;D

16-06-2009, 04:53 PM
Oh, this is one to remember. Can it be used do distribute closed software?

Btw is there a need forn an usefull tools page/thread on this site?

16-06-2009, 09:58 PM
Oh, this is one to remember. Can it be used do distribute closed software?

Btw is there a need forn an usefull tools page/thread on this site?

It can be used to distribute closed software. All you do is place your files in the directory structure, run the script to build the installer and viola...

I think there should be a section for useful tools on this site. A great big list of developer... t0yz!

Oh, and a little update. This is available for a few UNIX based systems (freeBSD, OpenSolaris, etc)... my bad, hehe :-[