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View Full Version : What about "LEAF 2" game engine?

Ñuño Martínez
18-06-2009, 11:54 AM

I was looking for an engine we can use in the incoming "PGD Annual" and I've found LEAF 2 (http://leafproject.com.sapo.pt/). I know there are "better" engines out there but I think LEAF is interesting: simple and flexible.

I was wondering if somebody did use it and can give some sources to test, you know. ::) I did compile the tutorials (http://leafproject.com.sapo.pt/tutorials.html) and they worked except the camera and the fog ones wich failed with "signal #11" on my Linux (The log file said there's a problem with integer endianess on data files ???).

Also, Relfos (http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=907) (LEAF's author) seems out of busines for a year. Does anybody know where is he? [edit] I've find him at YouTube and he did upload a video five months ago. I'll send him a message.