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View Full Version : Wavy Navy DX

02-07-2009, 12:15 AM
My first action game, a remake of the popular 1980's Apple II game Wavy Navy.
Programmed with Delphi7 and UnDelphiX.
You are a ship, armed with ship to air missiles, floating on the waves constantly moving across the screen. You are under attack from an enemy force of helicopters, bombers, mines, carpet bombers and cruise missiles.

Features 10 levels in each of 3 difficulties, bonus scores and lives, high scores tables, full screen / windowed modes, define your own control keys and a practice mode. Help file included.

Download from http://web.aanet.com.au/barberic/games.html

02-07-2009, 09:23 AM
:D Cool little 'old' game!!!

02-07-2009, 10:24 AM
Nice! :)
I played it for a bit although I'm afraid to say it did get a bit boring after a short while. It's not a very fast game, especially when you miss often (which happens to me a lot), you need to wait quite a long time to shoot again. I had to look it up on youtube, but the original seemed to be a bit more fast paced to me. Anyway, still great job. Bumped to news.

02-07-2009, 02:45 PM
Nice one. ;) I agree with Traveler: The game would be more fun if it play's a litlle faster. Some extra weapons, or powerups would fit nicely into this game.

Getting the last 3 planes out of the air is a bit boring. It would be nice to have some special power to kill those. I remember that DX Ball 2 (an arkanoid clone) would automaticly destroy the last bricks, if it took the player too long to destroy them (You would see lighting bolds coming from everywhere etc. :D ). Something like that would be nice IMHO. :)

07-07-2009, 10:53 AM
Thanks for all your comments. Sure the game could be improved with lots of other fancy stuff and I was very tempted to do that but I tried to keep it as close as possible to the original.
Maybe I will add more interest in version 2 and bring it up to date with modern game play.