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View Full Version : Random 'trash' in VTDb records

03-07-2003, 11:02 AM
Hi everyone!

I've got a strange problem with PowerDraw 2.x (I'll better wait for the final version of 3.x :lol: )

When I try to add a new record to a VTD file (containing over 100 records already), and when the patternsize of the image isn't the power of 2, some random noise appears at the edges of the image (out of the pattern area). It has no effect in the program, but the record can become five times bigger than without the noise.

When I remove the bad record and re-add it, after a few times the image is added without the noise. And when I view another records before the re-adding, often a part of the viewed images appears at the edges of the new one...

Can anybody help me? It makes me go crazy, when I have to add one picture twelve times... :cry:

03-07-2003, 02:17 PM
How do you add records into VTDb ?
are you do it programatically, using standard tool, or another way ?

04-07-2003, 07:42 AM
I'm adding them using VTDTool (probably 2.4 or such version) -
I fill in the patternwidth and patternheight fields, I choose the transparent color, I select the image, then I click Add, type in the texture size, name the record, click Add... and then I look at the trash there, remove the record and do it all again...

04-07-2003, 09:02 PM
As was mentioned several times before, this was a bug in PowerDraw 2.x. It no longer happends in PowerDraw 3 pre-release. I'd recommend you try using PowerDraw 3 pre-release because the new Asphyre component pack (aka PowerDraw 4) will have backward support for PowerDraw 3 only.