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View Full Version : Direct3D11 and Direct3DX11 interface units available for Delphi

15-09-2009, 11:37 PM
Dear all,

I've just translated the Direct3D 10+10.1+11 and Direct3DX 10+11 C++ header files to Delphi interface units, as well as DXGI, Direct2D1 and DirectWrite. They are based on the August 2009 DirectX SDK (released 8th Sept 2009).

You can find them via my "DirectXForDelphi" blog at http://directxfordelphi.blogspot.com/.

Please advise how I might go about making these visible on the internet so as to help as many people as possible. I am entirely out of the Delphi community scene, yet I use Delphi 24/7 as a vital part of some huge and complex medical software, including general purpose computation (simulations) on the GPU, and of course 3D (anatomical) graphics.

I would also like to make Embarcadero aware of their existence. How do I do that? I see that they have included D2D1 with Delphi 2010, but not Direct3D 11.

I am doing regular updates to the translations, to optimize usability etc. However it is a simple matter to merge new versions as they come out (I use a tool called BeyondCompare) so that you can see whether the changes affect you.



PS 1: I know that JEDI/Clootie do some translations, but I needed these urgently - in particular the compute shaders. Having to wait for new translations has been our main frustration with using Delphi.

PS 2: Other C++ header file translations may be possible on request.

16-09-2009, 12:25 AM
Hi JB and welcome to PGD.

To spread the word to/through Embarcadero, you could post a message in the DirectX section of the EDN communities. You could also try mailing some of the staff or leave a message on one of their blogs (I think you can do that).

As for getting the word out, I would suggest sticking a link and some blurb about the headers on your homepage and have Google index your site. Your post here should eventually turn up on Google as well.

In terms of your own site, I appreciate you probably don't want to spend too much time on it, but you could setup say a WordPress blog on a subdomain or something like that so you can post information about the translations and updates etc. to keep users informed (RSS feed for example) of changes. Just in case, if you need help or advice with any of that sort of thing, don't be afraid to ask :)

Hope this helps

16-09-2009, 09:09 PM
That's great news. I'm sure a lot of people are interested in these headers.
Bumped to news!

17-09-2009, 07:06 AM
Wow Awesome. ;) When I'm done with my current OpenGL projects, I'd love to give DX11 a swirl. :)

17-09-2009, 07:12 AM
Nice!! As I'm still using DX9, I want to make the step to DX10 or DX11 after the compo.
(Judges don't have DX10 available :( )

Good luck with spreading the word!