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View Full Version : SDL + Lazarus question.... WHY?!?

20-12-2009, 05:38 AM
I know "why" might sound like a strange question, but I am wondering what 'benefits' there are or even what the purpose is of using what is basically a glorified gtk wrapper that pretends to be the vcl... when you are using SDL. I've seen several threads on the subject, and am wondering why you would even bother...

Or are people just using it for the IDE? If so, it sounds like a hell of a lot of headaches for something so simple.

But then, I'm doing all my code editing in Crimson Editor and compiling from the command line, so I might be jaded.

Am I missing out on some detail or feature it brings to the table?

20-12-2009, 12:44 PM
But then, I'm doing all my code editing in Crimson Editor and compiling from the command line, so I might be jaded.

I'm doing the same thing, I'm just using Komodo Edit (or Notepad++) instead and some self-written build-scripts/makefiles.

I'm only using Lazarus when I need a cross-platform GUI that would be to much work to draw manually with SDL, let's say some configuration screen for example (with a lot of comboboxes, checkboxes, etc.) before the game launches.

20-12-2009, 02:21 PM
Better editor features?

20-12-2009, 03:29 PM
When it comes to most development I used Lazarus as a build environment more than anything. I pretty much edit in SCiTE and build in Lazarus. Basically I'm lazy and don't want to setup/maintain build scripts. Lazarus does a good job of wrapping everything up for me when it comes to the build (and to some extent debug) parts of the lifecycle :)

- Jeremy

20-12-2009, 05:44 PM
I've not used many IDE's for my Pascal projects but I find Lazarus suits all my needs for non-gui apps. Being able to quickly navigate my code in the explorer, jump between declerations with a Ctrl-click is a big help, the code completion is great when you're dealing with lots of classes and lazarus project files make for a hassle free build environment. Although if it's the case that another editor can do all this and better then by all means please let me know :) besides, if lazarus is missing a feature you like in these other programs, why don't you join up and contribute? you may not use lazarus for it's forms etc but it will be the future adoption of lazarus by delphi programmers looking to go cross platform that will ensure the future of our darling language.

20-12-2009, 06:34 PM
Lazarus to me is simply a do all IDE for Object Pascal. I've been using it for the past few years exclusively for all my projects and haven't gone looking anywhere else since. You don't have to use the LCL and make GUI-based Apps, in fact you can generate what is called in Lazarus a 'Program' and it'll do all the same lovely code features for a non-LCL program which you can use SDL/OpenGL/DirectX, etc to your hearts content to make a full screen or windowed game as you see fit.

Delphi can do the same thing, but you have to add a line of code at the beginning of your 'app', but in reality it's no different from Laz in practice.

21-12-2009, 12:16 AM
My only real complaint with Lazarus is the key mappings and lack of many of the shortcuts I'm used to in NP++ and SCiTE. Since I can quickly write Lua macros for SCiTE to do the same things as NP++ (who the hell uses CTRL+K+[key] anymore except Lazarus) I choose it over everything else. Lazarus is still my IDE of choice for graphical apps, but I still have to drop the pas files into SCiTE when I'm doing major edits, I just love the scriptable interface that lets me write macros that do a whole lot more than just recording.

- Jeremy

22-12-2009, 03:31 AM
Ok, I think that answers it, people are pretty much just using it for the IDE. Since I'm using SDL's capabilities detection to start stuff out at the same resolution as the desktop (or device) I don't really need any setup windows before it starts up (I'm surprised the various tutorials seem to skip that step)... Since I find things like code completion more of a hindrance than help it means nothing there - and since I know how to use a taskbar and use a non-tabbed editor on a four display computer, I don't need project management either.

(But hey, I'm one of those nutjobs who can't stand the acid-trip of color syntax highlighting either so...)

I was just worried I was missing out on a bit of functionality or some neat extra SDL compatible libraries or something - apparently not.

Thanks all.

16-03-2010, 05:36 PM
hey man, that's cool. All I'm saying is that call it rapid application development for a reason. Give me a VT100 terminal any day of the week and I'll happily hunt the wumpus all day long but when it comes to coding I like nice quick results and welcome lazarus, syntax highlighting and good debugger intergration into my life as I welcome lottery wins.