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View Full Version : Indie Bay competition

07-01-2010, 08:43 PM
I found a competition a few months back called Indie Bay competition (http://theindiebay.com/competition/rules/) which is quite similar to the Ludum Dare (www.ludumdare.com) competition.
The rules are basically make your own game within 48 hours from scratch, but use whatever programming language or pre-existing framework/engine you like. (For more detailed rules, go to http://theindiebay.com/competition/rules/)
So, if you have missed the Ludum Dare competition last month, but still want to have the fun of 48 hours rapid game development, you might want to check out the Indiebay competition this weekend.
There are a few things which makes Indiebay unique:
- Teams are allowed
- There is a lot less competition than at Ludum Dare, so there is a much bigger chance of winning, although there are no prizes

And it is certainly a good exercise for planning your time and getting reading for the next PGD annual. ;)